Please pray for my depression, it is getting worse the last few days, I am trying just to maintain my prayers and keep seeking Jesus face because He is the only one who can heal me I have had many anti-depressants from the doctor, but they don't help and sometimes make it worse by making me...
Please pray for my depression, it is getting worse the last few days, I am trying just to maintain my prayers and keep seeking Jesus face because He is the only one who can heal me I have had many anti-depressants from the doctor, but they don't help and sometimes make it worse by making me...
Please pray for my depression, it is getting worse the last few days, I am trying just to maintain my prayers and keep seeking Jesus face because He is the only one who can heal me I have had many anti-depressants from the doctor, but they don't help and sometimes make it worse by making me...
Dear Heavenly Father, help me this weekend. Help me to get rest as this week will be very tiring. Please watch over me and keep me motivated. Help my mind to grasp what I learn and be able to utilize it. Thank you for the many opportunities you give me. I submit ti your will and trust your...
Please pray for my depression, it is getting worse the last few days, I am trying just to maintain my prayers and keep seeking Jesus face because He is the only one who can heal me I have had many anti-depressants from the doctor, but they don't help and sometimes make it worse by making me...
Please pray for my depression, it is getting worse the last few days, I am trying just to maintain my prayers and keep seeking Jesus face because He is the only one who can heal me I have had many anti-depressants from the doctor, but they don't help and sometimes make it worse by making me...
My Lord, please bless me with hope, patience, strength, and a peaceful, gentle attitude if you permit for me to one day enroll at South Texas College. My Lord, please make a way for me, and open doors no man can shut, and especially to have a better experience at this university. Please bless me...
Jesus please let my husband be ok. He is very sick and he thinks he might have THAT sickness. Please help him. We can't afford to miss even one day of work and they will quarantine him at work if he does. Please Jesus. Thank you, Amen.
1) Any fear around Corona to vanish
2) Insight wisdom understanding revelation what to do concerning vaccine (yes or no) - i get to much opposite infos even in one day, i want to know what God wants me to do, amen, not me because of fear, or because of pressure from institutions or because of...
2 insight wisdom
country: croatia
family brother mother father
government institutions
opposite infos
pressure manipulation
Pray that if it is God's will, and only if it is, that someone would work my 4 extra hours next week on the one day I will be drafted to work 12 hours instead of 8, so I won't have to. I think, but I am not positive, that day is Tuesday. Thank you.
I have two prayer requests relating to my job. My employer has changed a policy so that everyone on a list for a particular day to possibly be drafted or forced to work that day for 12 hours instead of 8 will be drafted, unless he or she has someone to work in his or her place--with nobody...
Jesus never ever changes. His word will stand forever. We will see lots of things change in our life but the Lord will never ever do this.
One day is like a thousand years for the Lord. He has no time limit and has the power to change everything.
Love Him, praise Him, adore Him wherever you...
Lord here I am again, I feel alone and lost. I know you are always here with me, help me to hold on to you. I was under the wrong impression about my relationship with my wife, and now that I know it seems too late. I am trying to take one day at a time, I’m trying to be the man she needs, but...
Dear Lord - thank you for another day of life. I want to thank you and all the people who prayed for me that we are able to sell the business and hoping for our closing without issues soon. I hope and I pray it will go smoothly. Eve even if we sold it still there are debts that cannot be paid so...
Thank you jesus for everything you have done for me. Blessed be your name almighty and please father make my worships worthy for you and jehovah i know you are his son and i believe in your blood and name. I know jehovah has appointed you the king of our world in heavens and also you will love...
I have certain things that need to get done but and I'm so booked up with the job that it's making it impossible.Because it's not just the new runs being called in, I have many "regularly scheduled" runs,"so I have only so much time in between things, and in fact sometimes,if one run takes...
My Lord stop the enemy from making us procrastinate in the things that need immediate attention like I find these letters I need to act on now, everything’s coming in like a flood and need quick responses or they cancel you out. But the devil’s been busy and we Thwart all evil plans away from us...
It's me jessy Nair from Zuarinagar South Goa. Today I am here To say my prayer request. I request everyone who ever see this prayer request kindly pray for me. I want to serve God Almighty. I want to change myself. With the help of God. I should not get fear of anything in the worldly talks and...
Man of God please pray for me I'm not seeing my periods for a couple of months even wen they come the come little for only one day Man of God please pray for I'm trying to concieve but I'm not concieving for 3years now Please man of God pray for me
I felt a difference only when I posted for about one day. The attacks resumed. Jerry is remotely controlling the demons to attack me. I noticed that when he is distracted (very rare) or sick (claimed that he has cancer), the attacks literally lighten up. I need Yah, the Most High to battle for...