old mother

  1. natasha2

    Pray further for my old mother - antibiotics

    Continue to.pray for my old mother. She felt very bad this morning after she took first pill (strong antibiotic for stomach flue consequences). Very high blood pressure, generaly felt very bad. In the afternoone, after she took a nap, she was better, probably because of your prayers! Thank you...
  2. natasha2

    My old mother - diarrhea like water

    My old mother - again diarrhea - like water. Obviously stomach flue. I had it to. Please pray that my mothers diggestion will be well. No irritation in her stomach, heaviness in her intestines. Also no inflammation and irritation of eyes. Its a weird virus - stomach/intestines and eyes.
  3. natasha2

    Eye inflam/pain, lungs shaddow

    My old mother No inflammation or pain in the eye. No murmur or shaddow on lungs or bronchees.
  4. natasha2

    My old mother - eyes, lungs, joy

    My old mother No eye inflammation No eye pain No murmur or shade on her lungs or bronchees Excellength health strength and joy No worries anxiety or negative thinking
  5. natasha2

    Inflammation - lungs, eye...my old mother

    For my old mother. Healed lungs. No murmur. Healed eye. No pain or inflammation.
  6. natasha2

    My old mother, throat, eyes, stomach, worry

    My old mother to be well and happy. No throat or eye inflammation. She took very strong antibiotics. She has chronical gastric issues and it affects very much her gastrointestinal system that she could not sleep for 3 nights. So pray for strong immunity, healthy throat and eyes and healthy...
  7. natasha2

    My old mother - throat, eyes, stomach issues

    My old mother. Feels bad. Throat and inflammed eyes. Prescribed strong antibiotics. Causes heavy gastrointestinal issues. She has chronic gastric illnesses. Pray also.for her good immunity - she is worried that my brother is using drugs or goes somehow the wromg way in his life. Lord correct his...
  8. natasha2

    My old mothef feels physicaly very bad

    My old mother, 86, had very inflamed throat and tears from eyes and she got strong antibiotics. She has chronic gastrointestinal problems ans she feels now awful. Could not sleep from it. She feels very bad. Please pray that she will feel very good and be completely healthy, especially throat...
  9. natasha2

    My mothers health (bones, viruses....

    My old mother healthy and no pain in her body. No bad feelings because of stomach issues, consequences of the fall (neck, spine) or arthritis. No cold, flue, raspy voice...)
  10. natasha2

    My old mother - virus/cold/flue, throat

    My old mother. Soar throat. Pain in the throat. Raspy voice. Probably virus. Cold, flue, whatever. No pain in her body. Lord heal her and give her strength. Also no worries about my brother or me.
  11. natasha2

    My old mother depression, health

    My old mother. Very depressed. Very Negative. Bad sleep. High blood pressure. Pain in stomach/intestines.
  12. Caivrunt

    Jesus and Mama Mary I trust in ...

    Jesus and Mama Mary I trust in you’ll as you’ll have never failed in show mercy and compassion on this old mother pls grant my children PR which is much awaited and causing anxiety.
  13. natasha2

    Eyes, vision

    Health of my eyes and its background. Vision improved from day to day more. Especially near vision. Clear not blury vision. Also this a prayer for my whole famiily. My father - improvement of his vision, he really has bad vision and also double vision because of bad surgery. (cataract...
  14. Ranve

    Good morning and win forever my name's ...

    Good morning and win forever my name's are Annie Ng,andwe sutwe reside in Livingstone, zambia plz woman of God pray for my sister she has been bedridden for over 10 years now she has stroke, she can't walk and she can't do anything we have gone to so many places (churches,herberhomes, hospitals)...
  15. natasha2

    Old parents - recovery from Covid, strength, no worry

    Quick Recovery from Covid for my old mother and father. (85) They both dont feel well. Weakness. No taste or smell. THey have no fever. Its hot outside also. Pray that they will not worry, but be strong healthy in a good mood happy joyful optimistic positive. They worry about consequences of...
  16. natasha2

    Protection and healing from COVID

    Lord, protect me and my brother and my parents from any serious Covid and less serious Covid variant in Jesus name. Wherevere we go in Jesus name. My mother and father are recovering from it. Protection and healing for me, my brother, old mother and father.
  17. natasha2

    COVID healing my old mother, strength....bruise on eye

    Healing for my old mother (85) from Covid, she is weak and has no feeling of taste or smell. Pray that it will return and strength for her, no irritation to caughing or difficult caughing out. She has no fever but is weak. Also pray for my father to be free from any symptoms of Covid. He is good...
  18. natasha2

    my old mother healed from high fever and virus...no heatwave

    No heatwave here. Cooling of the Holy spirit for me and my family. My old mother healed from this virus and high fever whatever it is.
  19. natasha2

    My old mother high fever

    No high fever. My old mother. 85. Pray that she will breathe easily, easily caugh out, no irregular heart beat or anything else. Positive thinking and optimism for her. Joy... No worries about life, about my brother or about this virus. It goes up and down this fever throughout the day and...
  20. Kolsenap

    Prayer to save my house

    Praise the lord. I'm beena .please pray for me as my owner wife anupama Neil dsouza is asking to vacate the house though I paid the rent she has stopped the electricity for my house from 3 days.no rent pending. Pray in her name that lord make her realize that she is done wrong by stopping...
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