That no one else would fall under the bondage of witchcraft, the new age or the occult. That there would be peace within my family, that my parents would be in good health
I have continued to receive thoughts related to a spirit of divination. It's very difficult because I'm so used to receiving these thoughts that I unintentionally embrace them. Please pray that all remnants of witchcraft, divination and the occult would leave me.
I went through something a few days ago that really triggered a lot of emotions in me. It's reminding me of the desperation that I felt a few years ago when I first began to experiment with witchcraft and the occult. Because of how low I'm beginning to feel, I can tell that the enemy is planting...
Being bombarded with auditory hallucinations. This is happening at a time when I feel completely healed from the other side effects that I was experiencing from being involved in witchcraft and the occult. I've been struggling with a lot of anger and resentment again because of certain...
auditory hallucinations
country: united states
emotional trauma
mental healing
other false religions
other side effects
total emotional spiritual
Many of the spiritual gifts that God has given to me have been polluted due to my involvement in witchcraft, the occult and the new age. Please pray that these gifts will be restored and used to glorify God.
I am currently being healed and delivered from being in a lifestyle that involved heavy use of witchcraft, the occult and new age practices. I have been doing better. But there is a certain place that I have to go to on a constant basis. Whenever I visit this place, I find myself being bombarded...
A few years ago, I was involved in witchcraft and the occult. I was going through a period of my life where I was constantly being bullied and attacked. I felt very isolated and I felt very alone. I didn't realize that I could have just turned to God for protection. Instead, i started doing...
I come from a background where I was involved in witchcraft and the occult. I was also involved in a lot of new age practices. During that time, I began reading a lot of astrology and horoscopes. I started to develop a form of obsessive compulsive disorder where I would engage in certain...
I come from a background of being involved in witchcraft and the occult. I was also involved in new age practices. During this time, I utilized a number spells. I was at a point in my life where I was very fearful. I had a lot of enemies. I had a lot of people that were trying to do emotional...
I have a background where I was involved in witchcraft and the occult. I was also involved in a lot of new age practices. During that time, I was involved in a lot of tarot card reading. A lot of these readings involved me trying to understand or find out what other people people were in my life...
Hello, about a year ago, I started to experience a counterfeit gift of tongues. I have a history of being involved in witchcraft and the occult. I believe that this may be what has caused this to happen to me. Please pray that I will be delivered from this.
Heavenly father i thank you this morning. Pls save me and set me free from tha plans of tha enemy from all unclean spirits from all occult all spells all evil eye from all warlocks from all tha things of this planet. Plz create in me a clean heart and Pls renew my thinking. Pls that I will...
I pray for the mercy and favour of God to deliver me from occultiic and satanic impartation, ordination and commission into ministry of death. According to Hosea 13: 14.
heavenly father pls protect me save from this wicked planet from wicked mindsets from witchcraft from occult from evil from works of flesh from spiritual attacks from sin from demons iniquity from wickedness. Pls make my prayer life my purity and my intimacy with you much better. That there will...
Breathen things has not been working for me as usual everything I put my hands it will not work, my friends has been telling me to join occult but I know God can use someone to help me out. Am a footballer who wants to showcase his talent in field of play but still yet I haven't gotten a club...
MY LORD save me deliver me from the snare of the enemy from evil from wickedness from the demons from witchcraft. Deliverance from the enemy the demons from evil from witchcraft from mind control from sin from occult from wickedness. Please forgive me of all my sins past present & future please...
Prayer that any power, curse, or hex would be completely bound in Jesus' name. I pray against any works of the devil or occult in my life. Thanks! Amen.