occult practices

  1. Wylandadh

    mass formation psychosis - interesting video on why people are hating on those who don't wish to take the fake vaccine

    it says in the Bible that God will send them a strong delusion because they loved not the Truth. I know all about it, I had delusions of granduer through schitzophrenia when I was living as a rebel against God. Now I am turning to Christ and He is bringing healing, all thanks and praises to Him...
  2. Rughwin

    We, the Gangadeen family, are a Christian ...

    We, the Gangadeen family, are a Christian family and there is a sorcerer called oumrawtee hurloll who is torturing us with witchcraft and occult practices. she is also persecuting all Christians in our locality. We have been suffering from witchcraft for years and years now, but we know only...
  3. Rughwin

    We, the Gangadeen family, are a Christian ...

    We, the Gangadeen family, are a Christian family and there is a sorcerer called oumrawtee hurloll who is torturing us with witchcraft and occult practices. she is also persecuting all Christians in our locality. We have been suffering from witchcraft for years and years now, but we know only...
  4. Hilasmeira

    Please pray that any manipulative qualities will ...

    Please pray that any manipulative qualities will be removed from my personality as well as any desire to seek out knowledge about my life in an ungodly way. Please pray that I will not be enticed by any new age practices or occult practices.
  5. Anonymous

    I feel like I'm the most horrible ...

    I feel like I'm the most horrible worst terrible person in the world. I was plotting harm & evil against my own family in my heart because of anger. Now I want to turn completely to JESUS for repentance & for HIM to give me a new heart & new mind & for HIM to transform me. Please MY LORD break &...
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