No irritation of my stomach.
Normal swallowing.
Normal breathing.
Normal acid in my stomach.
No gastritis, no fear, no anxiety.
Relaxation or the stomach.
Nothing irritating my stomach in my mouth or elsewhere.
No pain or irriation or tension in my stomach.
Good sweet sleep.
Normal breathing.
No bloating.
No gastritis.
No acid reflux, no heart burn....
No pain. (any area)
No discomfort in abdomen, back or any other area.
No boling in my stomach.
No strčess or tension in my body.
Healthy stomach in all ways.
No pain in the chest or back.
Nothing connected to stomach or in general.
Normal breathing.
Normal stomach acid.
In Jesus name, amen.
Today i need health and strength because of severe obligations at work.
Lord, thank you.
Normal breathing.
No sneezing and water out of the nose.
No irritation of any kind.
Good sweet sleep.
No tension or nervosity.
Waking up on time for work.
Normal breathing.
No bloating.
No pain in my left legg hipp. (muscles, nerves or bones?)
Normal heart beat.
Catching up a sleep
Non stop noise of a drilling machine woke me up (under my balcony).
Please pray for peace.
Every morning same story.
Please pray for my normal breathing.
No bloating.
Everythin allright with my stomach and diggestion.
And no noise under my balcony.
Drilling machine.
Very accoustique area.
It is 8 am.