Pleaae Lord no more changing trains. The railway company is disorganized and have wrong priorities. We must 50 % of the time switch the train twice. On a trip that lasts for 50 min. Corruption and no care for passengers, not to mention all other stuff that are just wrong!! Before the railway...
No swelling in my dental flesh. No pain. Broken tooth.
No unease around any gland.
No difficulties swallowing.
No gastritis or diggestive issues.
Normal breathing.
No bloating
Normal blood pressure. Not high.
No pain or unease in my dental flesh, throat etc...
Good sweet sleep now
Normal breathing.
No bloating or difficulties breathing.
Allergy or gastritis problem.
Itchiness throat larynx.
Nose - water or not properly open.
Like stone is in a stomach.
No health issues like diggestive.
Normal stomach acid.
No nausea.
Normal breathing.
Relaxed body and stomach.
No irritation of my gastrointestinal or other tubes (irritation of throat/larynx, caughing f.ex....)
Healed everything dammaged because of stomach acid.
country: croatia
digestive normal stomach acid
health issues
other tubes irritation
throat larynx
Healed stomach.
No gastritis.
No boiling.
No acid reflux.
No heart burning.
No diarrhea.
No boiling.
No bloating.
Normal breathing.
Normal stomach acid.
Peace and healing in my stomach, amen.
Please pray for Dragica.
My mothers friend.
She is in the hospital on nephrology.
Was on the respirator and had terrible breathing problems, could barely talk.
Wanted to commit suicide, it was so bad.
Pray that she will not have any breathing or caughing problems.
Normal breathing and...
Please pray that any irritation in the nose/sinuses (especially left side) will be healed. The woman made Covid test in my nose in a harsh way. So that it is not irritated mucosa in the nose or to dry. Normal breathing through nose and in general
PLease let my neighbours be quiet.
They are speaking very loud.
Practicaly shouting.
Numerous rebellious family.
Its 11:30 pm.
Please pray for peace and for my sweet sleep.
Also normal stomach acid, no bloating, normal breathing.