Jesus please stop this nonsense with all these judges ignoring the fraud from the election. Please stop all the nonsense with lockdowns. Please let my packages arrive soon. I need my vitamins and the customer service people could care less and won't help me. Please Jesus, I don't have the...
Jesus please let my son cooperate. Now he is on this kick where he won't do anything. He won't go to the bathroom, eat, go to bed, nothing. I give up. He is getting worse. It is a school night and he is still up and hasn't started anything. He doesn't even do his homework. Please Jesus, stop...
My daughter (Sara) needs help. She is using that Tit Tot? She has met a man over in France. She lives her is Ohio (USA), I believe he is using her. Please pray that she stops this nonsense. Please she is 44 yrs. of age. She needs God help Please Pray for her. She has been used before, by men...
Jesus please help i am sick, son not cooperating, his medicine is not getting approved and can't get in touch with dr and my husband is at car place and they are not helping my husband when they are the ones who messed it up and now they wont fix it. Please let them help. Please also let Trump...
Jesus please help i am sick, son not cooperating, his medicine is not getting approved and can't get in touch with dr and my husband is at car place and they are not helping my husband when they are the ones who messed it up and now they wont fix it. Please let them help. Please also let Trump...
Please, prayers needed for someone suffering from autism with bipolar problems and mental confusion, who speaks nonsense. May God heal by giving more effectiveness to neuroleptic medication. Amen.
Jesus please let these awful teachers' unions stop their games and put these kids back in school asap. Stop all nonsense and evilness from all Democrats now!!! Please let Amy Barrett get confirmed to the Supreme Court and Donald Trump be re-elected. Please also let my son stop treating me so...
I'm wilson from india We've been facing financial crises And my father is a drinker he's making nonsense here at home Please pray for us to get overcame financial crises and my father may cure
Jesus please let my son stop his obnoxious behavior it is wasting hours of precious time. I can't get anything done and I am very sick today and can barely function. Please let this nonsense stop. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
i want to ask you to continue to pray for me even though i want to get out of work I continue to do all the nonsense to me, want to slander and accuse as much as possible and get all the tools out of the car. Ramunas
My name is Victoria I'm having difficulties with my partner Thulani I just want him to stop his nonsense and to become straight with me, and also I need prayer for a job for the one I studied for in my degree in marketing.
Please pray for me my husband should talk with me and he should say sorry for me and he should stay with me and his first wife is doing back magic on him give her a severe punishment for this nonsense help me pka my husband should love me and hE should stay with me
Jesus please let the school board call back and my husband come back. Virtual learning caused huge fight. Please let this nonsense stop. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please let my son stop asking me to do everything, it's one of the reasons we are in counseling, for him to become more self-sufficient and independent. I will not be around forever!!! Please let him start doing stuff himself, it will ease my stress. Please also let my cat not use the...
Jesus please let my son understand that it is too hot to go out today. Please also let the person who is arguing with me over my package, and trying to make it look like I am in the wrong, just stop the nonsense and send my item. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please let my husband feel better and please let my cousin feel better too he is in pain with his back. Please also let all this nonsense stop with wearing masks and government shutting things down and controlling our lives. The government is capitalizing on an illness and making it worse...
Please pray my boyfriends business becomes very successful and gets business . Pray that we can more than pay all our bills every month . Pray that my boyfriend quits smoking and my friend Sara quits smoking and my friend summer and Kristi quit smoking . I pray my girls and I get along and stop...
Jesus please let my son leave me alone today and get his own snacks. He is 12 years old, this is ridiculous, and I am so sick of being a servant. Nothing works as far as telling him to get it himself, or even refusing. He won't listen, he won't do anything himself. Please let this nonsense stop...
Please pray I have wisdom and faith. I struggle with health anxiety. I don't want to get stressed for every little symptom I have. Please pray I get over this nonsense.
Jesus please just let the nonsense stop and me get my money back from the two people who owe it to me. And also let my son'S rash clear up. Thank you, Amen.