No noise from neighbours. Appartement above and appartement next door. Noisy men.
No smoke of cigarettes from my neighbours- comes through radiators appartement. They are at least 5 of them and they all smoke.
Good sweet sleep for me..
Good diggestion.
Good sweet sleep for me.
Rebuke this devil barking noise disturbing our sleep and rest and rebuke all evil retaliations of your enemies protect us favor us and bless us lord and bring mighty restoration miracles Your judgement and Fire is on these predictors Bless and help our progress going forward and reverse all...
Let the devil stop harrassing me through my neighbours and noise.
Especially this young man Bernard is very aggressive and spoiled and troublemaker.
Lord, remove all noise and troublemakers out of my way and surroundings, amen.
No noise in my neighbourhood.
No loud walking, loud tv, loud talking etc...
Peace over all my neighbours and area amen.
Good sweet sleep.
Peace in my heart.
Lord please let my neighbours be quiet.
No loud walking like walls are trembling.
No loud talking or loud tv.
Please let all noise and trouble makers get out of the building or go to sleep
Good sweet sleep.
No stomach/diggestive issues
Protection for me and my family.
Especially in.the night.
Whole night.
No bad dreams, no sickness.
Especially NO NOISE!!!!
Good sweet sleep tonight.
As soon as we lay down let us fall.asleep.
Peace - no noise in my appaetement, building, area and city block in Jesus name.
So that i can enjoy in peace and good sleep. Today, tonight and this whole week till monday 11 am.
Lord remove all noise and troublemakers out of my area or put heaviness of peace upon them in Jesus name amen. No...
Its hot outside and people are nervous and many are making noise. Its 9.30 pm and people are.talking loud on the streets and slamming with doors. I would like so much peace so that i could sleep.
My neighbour upstair came also after 2 months and now he is walking so loud that i feel like...
Noise in the next door appartement.
Lord put peace upon them. Numerous family. Maybe also friends.
Lord help me to sleep well and come to work on time.
And also no health issues.
Protection from anything evil in my family or in my environement.
From any sickness, from any noise in my area.
From the attacks of the devil through my mother, my family.
Protection for my parents and my brother.
Let Jesus Christ be our Lord in Jesus name.