Very urgent lord please pleass make 3 crowns please be able to go on 3 broken teeth I have permanently asap without aby delay in jesus christ namess please heal 2 back teeth and change fillings from black to white on back teeth please lord all paid for by NHS please lord provide meet all my...
Very urgent lord please please fix heal restore transform all my teeth meet all my teeth needs desires all a paid for by NHS right now without any delay no more dissappoitments rejection regarding my teeth please lord in jesus christ namess
No more dissappoitments rejection regarding my teeth all my teeth dental needs done rigjt now without any delay all paid for by NHS without aby delay in jesus christ namess
Very urgent lord please please make 3 new crowns please be able to go in the 3 broken teeth I have with no problems complications done successfully asap paid for by NHS without aby delsu in jesus christ namess please fix restore back tooth asap paid for by NHS without any delay no more teeth...
Very urgent lord please please fix restore all every broken missing teeth I have asap all paid for on nhs please please lord bless make 3 broken teeth please please recieve 3 brqhd new crowns asap let this work be able to be done asap with no no problems at all please lord in jesus christ lord...
Very very urgent qll teeth problems pain gum dieases gum pain leave all my teeth gums permanently from tne roots right now permanently never return back tooth be healed restored paid for by NHS asap without any delay all every broken missing teeth I have restored asap without any delay in jesus...
Verh urgent lord please please heal na k tooth asap without having to pay 800 leg it be fixed restored paid for on nhs heal all my teeth restore all my teeth now asap without any delay in jesus christ namess
Very urgent all everh teeth pain problems gum dieases leave all my teeth gums permanently from the roots right now never return my back tooth left side recieve healing root treatment products for pain for by NHS not having to pay 800 pounds interveen lord restore all every broken missing teeth I...
Urgent please please heal restore all my teeth every ine of my teet all paid for by NHS that I do not need to pay 800 pounds for root treatment interveen in jesus christ namess
Urgent all teeth problems pain gum dieaess leave all every one of my teeth gums permanently from tne roots never ever to return ever in jesus christ namess please heal restore all my teeth lord all paid for by NHS asap without any delay please lord restore all all every broken missing teeth I...
Very urgent all every teeth problems all every teeth pain gum pain gum diesse leave all my teeth gums permanently all broken missing teeth I have be restored asap without any delay all my teeth needs desires be sorted fixed healed restored transform all paid for by NHS asap without any delay in...
Lord please please heal restore all every one of my teeth please the way I want them please asap without qhy delay all all paid for by NHS without any delay please interveen maje this happen please asap without any delay restite all every broken missing teeth asap without any delay please heal...
Urgent all every pain leave all my teeth gums mouth permanently from tbd roots rigjg now never return lord please heal restore all my teeth all back teeth every tooth all paid for by NHS right now without any delay in jesus namess
All every pain leave all my teeth gums permanently from tbe roots rigjt now never ever return ever in jesus christ namess please please fix back took paid for by NHS right now asap without any delay fix restore fully tooth thats moving lird please restore all every broken missing teeth I have...
Very very urgent lord please please heal restore all my teeth back teeth ger me root treatment back tooth without having to pay 800 gey me it free please on nhs interveen in this through jennifer dentist please please remive all every pain from all my teeth gums permanently rigjt now restore ask...
Very urgent all my needs needs desires provided for the way I want all all paid for by NHS no mote teeth problems no more pain in my teeth gums no more gum dieases no more broken missing teeth in jesus christ
All every pain gone from all of my teeth gums permanently all gum dieaees gone permanently from my gums permanently all my teeth restored healed the way I want all paid for by NHS done asap without any delay in jesus christ namess
Very urgent bless this appoitment please lord at dentist tomorrow morning give jennifer debtust supernatural wisdom regarding all my teeth to please please sendcme to monklabds hospital to do special root treatment on back tooth asao paid tor by NHS please remove tooth thats moving sore when I...
Very urgent lord please fix heal restore back tooth paid for by NHS please fix heal restore tooth thats moving paid for by NHS please please restore all every broken missing teeth I have asap paid for by NHS pleasd please provide meet all my dental teeth needs all paid for please by NHS in jesus...