next door neighbors

  1. natasha2

    Enough of noiseMy upstairs and ...

    Lord please enough of noise My upstairs and my next door neighbours To loud talking and walking like a bear My walls are trembling
  2. Diercheinos

    Safety, Protection And Peace

    I'm being harrassed and scrutinized constantly by evip next door neighbors who among seem to a harmful agenda against me. Please pray for me in reference and that I'll soon be financially able to move from this location and troublesome threatening environment. Thank you.
  3. Diercheinos

    I'm continously being harrassed, ridiculed, highly scrutinized ...

    I'm continously being harrassed, ridiculed, highly scrutinized and laughed by next door neighbors and groups of people there and by an employee who often works on property here whom unessarilly rings the doorbell and it always causes me stress and anger. Please pray for me in reference. Thank you.
  4. Stephany

    Jesus overcame the world, the flesh and ...

    Jesus overcame the world, the flesh and the devil, we can do it with His grace and help. O Lord, help us to live as Thou has lived and act as Thou has acted and say words that comes down from heaven. Please save our next door neighbors who love to play loud music and parties. Save them all we...
  5. natasha2

    No noise, no lateness tomorrow to work!!!

    My neighbours are becoming very moisy. My upstair neighbour is walking like a bar through the appartement, my walls are vibratimg.and next door neighboirs are watching to loud tv. I.must wake up at 5 am and i have very important state exam surveillance in my highschool. No.lateness aloud and my...
  6. Xorgoisha

    Please pray that my next door neighbors ...

    Please pray that my next door neighbors will move quickly. I have lived in a duplex for 10 years. My next door neighbors for less than a year. They smoke weed all the time and it gets in my home upstairs and downstairs. The smell is the worst Skunk smell and has affected my health and my family...
  7. Farmington

    Then sings my soul my Savior God ...

    Then sings my soul my Savior God to Thee, how great Thou art, yes indeed, our God is so wonderful to those who believe, trust and wait for Him. Please, pray for me that I will continue to honor and glorify the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for saving me and saving those I have been praying for...
  8. natasha2

    No noise, stomach, hipp, cancer, vision/eyes

    Lord, pupils are shouting in the train. Please peace. Its 6 am i want to plan my day and meditate abput God. Thank you Jesus. Also nothing irritating today please. No noise in my neighbourhood and area. No construction works today or tomorrow (croatian hollidays), usually someone in the building...
  9. natasha2

    Dental flesh, stomach.../ noise,smells -neighbours

    1) HEALTH: No problems with stomach, diggestion, no tension, stress, no pms symptoms. No swelling abscess in my dental flesh. Everything healthy whole and repaired transformed regenerated.rejuvenated detoxified body, dental flesh, mouth, stomach, teeth. Normal stomach acid. Good...
  10. natasha2

    No swelling dental flesh , no noise from neighbours

    No swelling in dental flesh. No abscess. No noise from neighbours. Sunday. Hitting with the hammer and any other noise. No noise in my neighbourhood. Kidd's screaming like mad. Also any other disturbing noise. Amen No loud TV. No conversation on the balcony - my neighbours. I hear every word...
  11. natasha2

    No noise or bad energies

    Please no bad energies or noise from my next door neighbours in Jesus name. I just feel disturbed and restless by them. No swelling abscess muck cyst or any other dental flesh problem or sickness. Miracolous healing and repair of my teeth and dental flesh. Broken or dammaged teeth...
  12. Bartonn

    I want to offer a sacrifice of praise.

    Jesus has chosen all of us from the begining of the earth to be a blessing to our next door neighbors, our coworkers and our spouse and children. In His manifold wisdom created us in His own image to shine Jesus in our life so others will see the Lord through our living and our example of holy...
  13. natasha2

    No noise, grass cutting machines, loud neighbours etc, my sleep

    No noose in my building. No noise in my neighbourhood. No.noise in my arrea. Especially grass cutting machines. Lord, please let them do the work when i am not home. Its so annoying, loud. Yesterday one man, today the other. Sometimes two or three at once. Lord i need peace. Thank younJesus for...
  14. Yaelune

    May next door neighbours vacate the rented ...

    May next door neighbours vacate the rented house immediately. They are so annoying. So noisy.
  15. Yaelune

    Next door neighbours are really making newsense ...

    Next door neighbours are really making newsense every night. I wish they vacate the rented house immediately.
  16. natasha2

    Noisy neighbours, i want to sleep

    Its 11 pm. Lord i want to sleep and my next door neighbours are loud - tv and to loud conversations. I must wake up at 4 am!! They have a living room right next to my only room. Lord have mercy Loed teach them to be good to other neighbours. Amen!!!
  17. Moodie

    Glorious things will happen to us when we share Jesus with everyone.

    At 30 years old, Jesus begun His ministry, an eternal message of salvation to all human beings. We must follow His example of faithfulness and love for God. Doing good to others, living a holy and pure life and sharing the Good News to our nextdoor neighbors. I am so happy to see the Lords...
  18. natasha2

    Night noise - neighbours, sleep

    Total peace and silence in my building and especially from the next door and my upstair neighbours, amen. No late nigh meetings, no loud tv, no loud music, shoutung, shuting doors and windows loudly etc. Also.pray for my good sweet sleep. Last night i slept bad because of my upstair neighbour...
  19. natasha2

    Trouble and noisemakers straightened up

    My mom is planimg to resolve the problem with my noisy neighbour. Lord please help her to collect all necessary infos and straighten up our representative of tenants and my noisy neighbour upstair. Lord also protect the other two ladies that are complainig about the noise of my next door...
  20. natasha2

    No noise no construct work

    Please no construction wòrk in my building. To much noise. My next door neighbours. It is saturday and i will be home all day and must rest sleep and heal this stubborn flue and caughing (irritation). Lord let them do this in working days and when i am not home.
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