Prayer has never failed me. I'm praying that my son and a close friend will call and apologize to me for the way they've acted. Neither of them have contacted me although I've prayed that they would I'm believing God they will within the next 24 hours and ask for your prayers on this.
Praise God I request God to bring back my boyfriend Kalanda Ronnie back to me in the next 24hours because we are meant to be one soul let him think of me today and I wake up finding a text asking me to be his girlfriend forever I believe God can make impossibles to possibles let me be a living...
God today as I write this with tears rolling from my face anoint me god. Favor me god. Bless me god. Give me peace god. Have mercy over my life god. Grace over my life in Jesus name. God I’m at my breaking point. God I ask you in the next 24 hours that I have a new job in Jesus name. God remove...
The uncle (named "Dan") of someone on YouTube called FreedomToons is being taken off of life support sometime within the next 24 hours. Please pray a rosary for him.
Please pray for My brother, Brent, 36 years old, found unresponsive. Resuscitated 4 times, on life support, has 2 small boys. Please pray for his healing, the next 24 hours are crucial! Thank you!
For those who haven’t, please pray that a mum who’s on life support doesn’t die within the next 24 hours roughly when coming off life support. Also, please pray for someone named Christian. God knows what’s going on with Christian but pray also that both of the above are saved/ have repented if...
Hi, there’s a 30 year old man named Anil who possibly has kidney failure. A child named Jia had breast cancer but thankfully got surgery but needs check ups, I guess in case it doesn’t come back maybe, a child is suffering from burns over his body and there’s another child likely named Natalia...
Please pray for me that God will intervene in the next 24hours with the case I have in the police station which there are moves already to take it to the court with wrong charges. God should frustrate every plan and show me His mercies in my life