Hi all,
Please pray for India, for its people and the government. Especially pray for the believers and the church, that the church may move in zeal towards its mission under any circumstance. As we see in the Old Testament , when people were under the king instituted for Israel and of Israel...
Hi all,
Please pray for India, for its people and the government. Especially pray for the believers and the church, that the church may move in zeal towards its mission under any circumstance. As we see in the Old Testament , when people were under the king instituted for Israel and of Israel...
Hi all,
Please pray for India, for its people and the government. Especially pray for the believers and the church, that the church may move in zeal towards its mission under any circumstance. As we see in the Old Testament , when people were under the king instituted for Israel and of Israel...
Hi all,
Please pray for India, for its people and the government. Especially pray for the believers and the church, that the church may move in zeal towards its mission under any circumstance. As we see in the Old Testament , when people were under the king instituted for Israel and of Israel...
Jesus as I've reported kids teens and young adults as in what the scriptures say about kids putting up their parents to death is true, you heard evil pink hair above subtly say using her technology and sorcery say into my head as in again using technology that v2k proven. She said were a new...
Hi all,
Please pray for India, for its people and the government. Especially pray for the believers and the church, that the church may move in zeal towards its mission under any circumstance. As we see in the Old Testament , when people were under the king instituted for Israel and of Israel...
Hi all,
Please pray for India, for its people and the government. Especially pray for the believers and the church, that the church may move in zeal towards its mission under any circumstance. As we see in the Old Testament , when people were under the king instituted for Israel and of Israel...
Hi all,
Please pray for India, for its people and the government. Especially pray for the believers and the church, that the church may move in zeal towards its mission under any circumstance. As we see in the Old Testament , when people were under the king instituted for Israel and of Israel...
Hi all,
Please pray for India, for its people and the government. Especially pray for the believers and the church, that the church may move in zeal towards its mission under any circumstance. As we see in the Old Testament , when people were under the king instituted for Israel and of Israel...
Hi all,
Please pray for India, for its people and the government. Especially pray for the believers and the church, that the church may move in zeal towards its mission under any circumstance. As we see in the Old Testament , when people were under the king instituted for Israel and of Israel...
As the new testament say we are to pray for those who hurt us. Well then Jesus if what is going on to me and if it's in your will they turn the Evil gangstalker from their evil they do to me then so beit. I'm reading the new testament now Mathew. and while reading it can have nay turn and repent...
Understanding what comes first; wants or righteousness?
Matthews 6:33 (examining 3 versions)
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. New International Versionp
Instead, make your top priority God’s kingdom and his way of life, and...
Sin is disobedience to God's will, not doing what we ought to do and doing what we ought not to do. Sin separates us from God and our brethren and it results in our loss of power, joy, peace and hope. It degrades us in every way and ends in our spiritual death. " The wages of sin is death" (...
contrite heart
country: india
love humility purity life
perfect pattern
power joy peace
prodigal son
public confession
truth life
two instances
What motivates you to obey God? For that matter, what motivates you to talk to God?
If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed. - Albert Einstein -
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do...
1 john 4 18 worldly men
albert einstein
balance system
country: canada
law romans
motivational factor
old testament
selfish rewards
sorry lot
Hi all,
Please pray for India, for its people and the government. Especially pray for the believers and the church, that the church may move in zeal towards its mission under any circumstance. As we see in the Old Testament , when people were under the king instituted for Israel and of Israel...
"But this is the new covenant I will make with the people of Israel on that day," says the LORD. "I will put my instructions deep within them, and I will write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. And they will not need to teach their neighbors, nor will they...
34 nlt key thought
biblica inc
country: reserved
eugene h peterson
heartlight inc
holy bible new international version
holy fire
new covenant
tyndale house publishers inc
[God said,] "I'll give you [my people in Babylonian captivity] a new heart. I'll put a new Spirit in you. I'll cut out your stone heart and replace it with a red-blooded, firm-muscled heart. Then you'll obey my statutes and be careful to obey my commands. You'll be my people! I'll be your God!"...
11 19 20 message key thought
country: reserved
eugene h peterson
holy bible new international version niv copyright
holy fire
new heart
new spirit
red blooded firm muscled heart
tyndale house publishers inc
Hi all,
Please pray for India, for its people and the government. Especially pray for the believers and the church, that the church may move in zeal towards its mission under any circumstance. As we see in the Old Testament , when people were under the king instituted for Israel and of Israel...
God's Imminent Judgment
What could possibly be more edifying to the church than to admonish her regarding God's imminent judgment; even sternly so at times, according to His instruction! Not only to admonish, but also serve as a symbolic scapegoat for the sins of the church, indeed a...
Hi all,
Please pray for India, for its people and the government. Especially pray for the believers and the church, that the church may move in zeal towards its mission under any circumstance. As we see in the Old Testament , when people were under the king instituted for Israel and of Israel...