new miracle teeth

  1. natasha2

    My teeth and dental flesh healthy and impeccable

    Impeccable teeth. Healthy fresh dental flesh. Everything in my mouth healthy and fresh. White shiny strong healthy whole beautiful perfectly aligned teeth. Repaired restored regenerated teeth and enamel and all broken and dammaged teeth. No tooth decay, tooth cysts or tooth abscesses...
  2. natasha2

    Teeth, dental flesh, mouth

    Healthy strong white whole shiny perfectly aligned beautiful teeth. Healthy fresh dental flesh. Healthy teeth nerves. Healthy repaired restored detoxified white teeth fillings. New miracle teeth wherever its safe and needed. I will keep all of my teeth. Everything in my mouth fresh...
  3. natasha2

    Impeccable health of teeth, dental flesh

    Please pray for impeccable health of teeth and dental flesh. No carrhies, plaque, tooth cysts or tooth abscesses. Healthy fresh dental flesh. Healthy strong whole white shiny beautiful perfectly aligned teeth. Healthy teeth nerves. Healthy white whole strong detoxified teeth fillings...
  4. natasha2


    Teeth - healthy white shiny strong beautiful whole repaired restored renewed. Dental flesh, teeth fillings, teeth cavities, mouth flesh healed. Everything in my mouth healthy fresh beautiful perfect strong healed beautiful aligned and in order. New miracle teeth wherever its safe and needed...
  5. natasha2

    Teeth, dental flesh, mouth - health

    Everything in my mouth whole strong healthy beautiful repaired restored fresh... Teeth. Dental flesh. Teeth nerves. Teeth cavities. Mouth flesh. No carrhies, plaque, tooth cyst, tooth abscess, inflammation, swelling..... New miracle teeth wherever its safe or needed. I will keep all of...
  6. natasha2

    Teeth, dental flesh; stomach, diggestion

    Absolute health and wholeness of my teeth and dental flesh. Teeth white shiny whole strong beautiful aligned healthy. No carrhies, plaque, tooth cysts or tooth abscesses. I will keep all of my teeth in Jesus name. New miracle teeth wherever its safe or needed. Teeth miracolously repaired...
  7. natasha2

    Hair - no falling off; teeth whole strong

    No unnecessary falling off of hair. My hair thick and dense like it used to be. Strong and healthy hair and sculp and all organs and tissues connected to it. Vitamins and minerals compensated and alll needed substances. Hormons balanced. Amen. White shiny strong whole healthy teeth. I will...
  8. natasha2

    Teeth and dental flesh health renewal

    Healthy teeth and dental flesh. No cyst, absces, inflammation or swelling of any kind. No carrhies or plaque. All teeth healthy white shiny strong and whole. Teeth fillings healthy white and detoxified. I will keep all of my teeth. New miracle teeth wherever its needed, amen.
  9. natasha2

    Healthy teeth and dental flesh

    Healthy teeth and dental flesh. No carrhies, plaque, tooth decay, tooth cysts, tooth abscesses etc. New miracle teeth wherever its safe and needed. I will keep alll of my teeth. Strong white beautfiul healthy whole aligned teeth. Healthy teeth nerves. Strong healthy detoxified white teeth...
  10. natasha2

    Teeth, dental flesh

    Everyhing around my teeth and dental flesh pure healthy strong fresh whole beautiful purified detoxified. No carrhies, plaque, tooth cysts, tooth abscesses, tooth decay etc. New miracle teeth wherever its safe and needed. No pain, swelling, irritation or inlammation of any kind. I will keep all...
  11. natasha2

    Health teeth, dental flesh

    Healthy teeth, teeth nerves, dental flesh, cavities. No tooth cysts, tooth abcesses, no carrhies, no plaque, no tooth decay or generational problems. Everything detoxified, strong, pure, healthy, fresh. White shiny whole beautiful perfectly aligned teeth. I will keep all my teeth in Jesus...
  12. natasha2

    Health teeth, dental flesh

    Health of my teeth and dental flesh. No pain or swelling anywhere in my teeth, teeth nerves, dental flesh, face, jaw. No tooth cyst or tooth abscess. No carrhies or plaque. No tooth decay. No generational problems with teeth. White shiny strong whole healthy beautiful perfectly aligned teeth...
  13. natasha2

    Teeth, dental flesh, healing and miracles

    Health of my teeth and dental flesh. No pain or swelling anywhere in my teeth, teeth nerves, dental flesh, face, jaw. No tooth cyst or tooth abscess. No carrhies or plaque. No tooth decay. No generational problems with teeth. White shiny strong whole healthy beautiful perfectly aligned...
  14. natasha2

    Teeth and dental flesh; health and miracles

    Healthy teeth and dental flesh. No pain, swelling, tooth cyst, tooth abscesses, carrhies, plaque, tooth decay. Strong, healthy, whole, shiny, white, beautiful, perfectly aligned teeth. Strong healthy white fillings. Healhty teeth nerves. Purified and detoxified dental flesh and all...
  15. natasha2

    Teeth, dental flesh.

    Healthy teeth and dental flesh. No tooth cyst, tooth abscess, muck or harmfull bacteria or toxins. Strong white shiny beautiful whole perfectly aligened teeth. Healthy white whole and strong fillings. Teeth nerves healed and restored. No pain or swelling, rritation anywhere in my mouth or...
  16. natasha2

    Teeth, dental flesh, mouth

    Health of my teeth, dental flesh, all surrounding tissues (including mouth). No tooth or other cyst, no abcess. No carrhies, no plaque. No pain, inflammation, wounds, irritations. Strong white whole shiny healthy beautiful aligned repaired restored teeth. New miracle teeth or repaired teeth...
  17. natasha2

    Teeth, dental flesh health

    Health of my teeth, dental flesh and everything in my mouth. No irritation, inflammation, pain, infection, carrhies, plaque....anything that is not from Giod out in Jesus name. Detoxifying of my mouth flesh, teeth, dental flesh etc.... Teeth in order. Nothing missing nothing broken. New...
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