
  1. Yvlich

    please pray for God to have mercy ...

    please pray for God to have mercy on my nephews so they grow taller thank you very much
  2. Kilfach

    Prayer request for my nephews Sameer Jadhav and Tejas Jadhav for there bright careers.

    Lord Jesus always be with my nephews Sameer Jadhav and Tejas Jadhav and grace them with a strength to cop up with any challenges and fulfill all there ambition in life.
  3. Kilfach

    Prayer request for my nephews Sameer Jadhav and Tejas Jadhav for there bright careers.

    Prayer request for my nephews Sameer Jadhav and Tejas Jadhav for there bright careers.May Lord Jesus give them a strength to face every challenges in life and careers and come out with flying color.
  4. Anonymous

    Pray for for my kids , Niece ...

    Pray for for my kids , Niece and nephews for a good life partners chosen by God himself. Please lord restore my health and marriage. I am grateful for all you have done for me , forgive me my many sins .
  5. Anonymous

    Please pray for the protection of my ...

    Please pray for the protection of my loved ones. O Lord please keep my nephews and niece safe tonight. In Jesus name I pray amen
  6. Kilfach

    Request Prayer for my nephews Sameer Jadhav and Tejas Jadhav for there bright careers

    Request Prayer for my nephews Sameer Jadhav and Tejas Jadhav for bright careers. With the grace of Lord Jesus bring every happiness in there life and achieve success.
  7. Kilfach

    Request Prayer for my nephews Sameer Jadhav and Tejas Jadhav

    Request Prayer for my nephews Sameer Jadhav and Tejas Jadhav for there bright careers and fulfill all ambition there have dreams and help sameer in getting good partner in his life.
  8. Yvlich

    please pray for my nephews to grow ...

    please pray for my nephews to grow taller, and grow in the Lord, thank you
  9. Kilfach

    Prayer for my nephews Sameer Jadhav and Tejas Jadhav

    Request Prayer for my nephews Sameer Jadhav and Tejas Jadhav for there bright careers.Lord Jesus Tejas is struggling to get better job, help him to shape his career and come out with flying color. Keep your graceful blessing on both. Thanks
  10. Apodidipto

    Please pray for me I'm in depression ...

    Please pray for me I'm in depression because of my sickness and for financial problem created by family i used to be their strength with God's help but now I feel helpless. please pray for my newphews and niece..Daniel, Ewanmitre and Sakini who still need our support as a family... please pray...
  11. Kilfach

    Prayer for my nephews Sameer Jadhav and Tejas Jadhav for there bright careers & fulfill all their wishes.

    Prayer for my nephews Sameer Jadhav and Tejas Jadhav for there bright careers and give them the strength to perform there duty well and get rewards for their hard work.
  12. Kilfach

    Prayer for my nephews Sameer Jadhav and Tejas Jadhav for there bright career

    Request Prayer for my nephews Sameer Jadhav and Tejas Jadhav for there bright careers and futures May Lord Jesus fulfilled all there wishes and come out with a flying color.
  13. Anonymous

    Hi everyone, my name is Israel and ...

    Hi everyone, my name is Israel and I actually had an accident while playing with my nephews, and I broke my nose. It actually looks very crooked and I’m really annoyed and sad because I don’t think I can come up with any amount to have a surgery fix my nose. I don’t know what to do or where to...
  14. Kilfach

    Prayer for my nephews Sameer Jadhav and Tejas Jadhav

    Request Prayers for my nephews Sameer Jadhav and Tejas Jadhav. Lord Jesus help them to have bright career and fulfill all thirty wishes with good health and happiness.
  15. Tapvarilin

    prayer to stop worrying about bills I pray in Jesus name Amen

    Lord give me and my Nephews peace and joy please I pray in Jesus name Protect the young men all over the world I pray in Jesus name Amen
  16. Numilal

    Thank you all for praying. Thank You ...

    Thank you all for praying. Thank You Holy Spirit. Please pray for my family, sister Cheryl, mother, and my nieces and nephews and other love ones. Thank you fir your prayers in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
  17. Warren

    Please pray that all my nephews and ...

    Please pray that all my nephews and nieces will get saved tonight and be on their way to heaven. Jesus is waiting for them with open arms and wants all of them save and on their way to heaven. Shine Jesus shine on those lost souls we saw in church. Save them o Lord we pray. Amen
  18. Kilfach

    Prayer request for my nephews Sameer Jadhav and Tejas Jadhav

    Request Prayer for my nephews Sameer Jadhav and Tejas Jadhav Lord Jesus fulfilled all there wishes and dreams bring color in there life and career.
  19. Kilfach

    Prayer request for my nephews Sameer Jadhav and Tejas Jadhav for there bright careers.

    Prayer request for my nephews Sameer Jadhav and Tejas Jadhav for there bright careers.May Lord Jesus bestowed all his love and blessing and help them to come out with bright colors
  20. Kusordae

    Please Pray for My Nephews Dominic Rat ...

    Please Pray for My Nephews Dominic Rat Saavedra, he is in prison in Florida, he's been watching you and really wants to write to you for Spiritual Guidance
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