ChristiansTT Powerful Prayers for Marriage Restoration / Daily Prayers / Marriage / 15 Powerful Prayers for Marriage Restoration MARRIAGE 15 Powerful Prayers For Marriage Restoration By Martin Updated on June 2, 2023 89 Comments PATREON SUPPORTERS Log-in here to remove ads Table of Contents How...
12 spiritual warfare
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marriage restoration marriage
Lord, I thank You that You will answer my prayers in Your perfect timing. Reveal what is in my heart, and make me ready to handle the answer in the right way when it comes. Help me to pray by faith consistently and long-term, to believe, wait, and then move forward in Your timing. Help me to be...
Please continue to pray for me and my children during this divorce. My wife continues to go out to bars with other men while we're married and it pains me knowing I'm married to an unfaithful woman who doesn't care for the kids but herself, self live is what she has and her desires of the flesh...
Dear God, you have commanded for to rejoice in the Lord and I have found myself yielding to negative emotions instead of the Holy Spirit of God. Please have mercy on me, please make your presence known to me, I miss you, I know there are behaviors that don't inherit the Kingdom presence of God...
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ChristiansTT Powerful Prayers for Marriage Restoration MARRIAGE 15 Powerful Prayers For Marriage Restoration By Martin Updated on June 2, 2023 83 Comments FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsApp Table of Contents How to Use This Marriage Prayer Guideline 1. Prayer For God's Blessings On My Spouse And I...
12 spiritual warfare
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bitterness anger
country: south africa
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holy spirit
marriage restoration love
marriage restoration marriage
matrimonial home infidelity confusion breakdown
Lord Jesus, I praise and glorify you. I bring this petition to the throne of Grace. Lord I ask to be set free from the neighbor in the back converted garage. I bind any transfer of spirits from her. Standing on Matthew 18:18. I ask lord Jesus that you heal, restore, and redeem me from the...
ChristiansTT Powerful Prayers for Marriage Restoration MARRIAGE 15 Powerful Prayers For Marriage Restoration By Martin Updated on June 2, 2023 83 Comments FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsApp Table of Contents How to Use This Marriage Prayer Guideline 1. Prayer For God's Blessings On My Spouse And I...
12 spiritual warfare
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bitterness anger
country: south africa
external people
holy spirit
marriage restoration love
marriage restoration marriage
matrimonial home infidelity confusion breakdown
ChristiansTT Powerful Prayers for Marriage Restoration MARRIAGE 15 Powerful Prayers For Marriage Restoration By Martin Updated on June 2, 2023 83 Comments FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsAppTelegram Table of Contents How to Use This Marriage Prayer Guideline 1. Prayer For God's Blessings On My...
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bitterness anger
country: south africa
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holy spirit
marriage restoration love
marriage restoration marriage
matrimonial home infidelity confusion breakdown
telegram table
Lord Jesus, Place conviction into all areas of Jacks life in order that he sets me free from his negative emotions. I bind the spirit of bitterness working thru him. Standing on Matthew 18:18. I ask that you redeem and restore anything that he interrupted in my life with his negative emotions...
Lord Jesus, Bring Jack into the conviction that he needs to not wonder. I ask that you disconnect his negative emotions off of my life. I bind and spirit that is not of you working thru Jack. Standing on Matthew 18:18. In Jesus name I pray and ask. Amen.
Lord, deliver me and my spouse from the evil spirit of unforgiveness, hatred, anger, bitterness, and abuse that is poisoning our minds and relationship. Fill up every space in our hearts with your peace, love, joy so that there’s no room for negative emotions. Lord, teach us to treat one another...
Lord Jesus, Lift up law enforcement officers that will do the right thing. Expose Yvonne. I bind any principality working thru her in Jesus name. Standing on Matthew 18:18. I ask that you dismantle the enemies plan in her. And bring full correction to her negative emotions. Standing on Isaiah...
Lord Jesus, I ask that you humble Yvonnes pride. I bind the spirit of pride working thru her. I ask that you bind the spirit of envy working they her. I ask that you sever all ties with her. Standing on Matthew 18:18. Show her your hand of conviction towards all her negative emotions towards...
Lord Jesus, Heal the emotions of all the people a Rhianna has been stalking, harassing, and targeting. Show them that it’s not y forgiveness but their emotions are valid since they have been reacting to harassment and taunting thru the jezebel spirit. I ask that you set everyone free that has...
Lord Jesus, I ask that you bind Roberts bitterness because he can’t have who he truly wants. I ask that you pull away from his life any counterfeits. And unmask everyone that’s in his life just breathing negative emotions in him. I bind the spirit of divination working in anyone around him...
Lord Jesus, I pray against Yvonnes negative emotions. Standing on Isaiah 54:17. I ask that you place conviction upon her envious emotions. In Jesus name I pray. In Jesus name I ask. Amen.
I pray to send back to sender the spirit of depression and anxiety that has been over my life for some years. After the death of my father some months ago, it's come back with a vengeance and I need others help to pray. I want to replace this burden, these negative emotions, emptiness, with...
Lord I pray for your intervention in helping both my son's and Anthony and Chris choose peace in every situation. Chris needs this so that he can cope better with his anxiety and Anthony needs this so that he can get over his hardened heart and anger. Lord I pray you fill them both with the...
Lord I pray for your intervention in helping both my son's and Anthony and Chris choose peace in every situation. Chris needs this so that he can cope better with his anxiety and Anthony needs this so that he can get over his hardened heart and anger. Lord I pray you fill them both with the...