No nausea.
No bloating of the stomach.
Normal breathing.
No fever..... (this morning was the temperature of the body 36,6 so pray that it will not rise), yesterday it was 37,5.
No other symptoms like pain in the area of stomach (abdomen and back) etc etc...
Please pray that i will breathe easily. It bloats my stomach to much. Irritation from stomach flue. To strong stomach acid
Also sometimes nausea and pain the back, pray also for opemed sinuses. Thank you!!!!!
I am not feeling well.
Pray against nausea.
Against chills.
Against faster heartbeat.
I slept also to short tonight.
Possible fever or sympoms of stomach imflammation
Last night i bloated from strong stomach acid.
Dry throat.Unease muscles.
I was negative at the Covid test yesterday
No nausea.
No pms.
Normal heart beat.
No gastritis.
No stress.
No tension.
No feeling of fever.
No feeling of inflammation in my left sinuse, jaw., ear.
I make a test for Covid 19 this morning (and in two days), pray that there will be no irritation in the nose or feeling of vomiting or...
Pray against any diggestive or menstrual problem.
I have feeling of nausea and like pain in the lower part of abdomen.
Pray against dirarrhea to.
Pray against any stress or tension.
And for regular menstrual cycle and everything alright with my period. (moderate not excessive period please)...
please continue to pray for me. Am suffering from diarrhea vomiting and am diabetic. These last few days I've been sick so many times. One new attack after another. My arm pain better but today something else. Pls pray for stomach and nausea to be ok so I can sleep. Diabetes and costochondritis...
food denied. Persecution. food that tastes horrible to torture me, so that i may not cook food again. i cooked for them with my best abilities but they deny to cook for me when i'm in bad with severe sadness. undercooked and loaded with salt, it even brings nausea and anguish. may have medicine...
Normal gastric acid.
No bloating problems.
No diggestive issues.
No pain, nausea or acid reflux.
No hardening of stomach.
Normal stomach acid.
Normal blood pressure.
Normal heartbeat.
Dear bro /sis
Pl pray for my daughter milcah as she having stomach problem she having nusea and vomiting as she eat. and having throt soar pl pray for her.
Good diggestion.
No nausea in stomach.
Normal stomach acid.
No gastritis, acid reflux, heart burn.
No pms.
Regular menstrual cycle. (28-30 days, not more or less)
My period finaly coming.
Menopause without symptoms.