
  1. Helplord

    Pray for carrielynn not in bed sleeping ...

    Pray for carrielynn not in bed sleeping and up all nite I pray she goes to bed n sleep at nite n stop taking naps during the day
  2. Helplord

    Pray for Judy to have more patience ...

    Pray for Judy to have more patience n chill n not be all upset n every one business Pray carrielynn sleep At night n not take naps I try everything n nothing seems to work
  3. Helplord

    Pleass pray carrielynn to go bed n ...

    Pleass pray carrielynn to go bed n sleep at night I don't want her to be bored she neeed her rest I pray she sleep at night m not take naps in the day Time
  4. Helplord

    Pray carrielynn my austism daughter I am ...

    Pray carrielynn my austism daughter I am worry bout her won't go bed at nite Cry n nog help or pitch in pray carrielynn take better care of herself n stop taking naps n sleep all nite n stay I. Bed n stay up all day I stop giving me attitude n no tanurm I pray she smile n pray n clean her room n...
  5. Helplord

    Pray I feel sad I had to ...

    Pray I feel sad I had to turn down hours cause I didn't have away home Pray carrielynn stay in bed n sleep at night n no naps n be a good girl n pray no one interferes with Heidi working They need help Sunday on 2nd shift but I can't do it cause the bus stop running early
  6. Helplord

    Pray Judy stop running her mouth n ...

    Pray Judy stop running her mouth n saying mean things Pray carrielynn skin clear up n no more sore n stop talking naps n stay up all day n sleep at nite
  7. Helplord

    Pray Judy stop Pray carrielynn stop crying ...

    Pray Judy stop Pray carrielynn stop crying n being afraid of fire work n go bed at night n no more naps
  8. Helplord

    Pray Judy calm down n chill n ...

    Pray Judy calm down n chill n stop n keep comments to herself Pray carrielynn stop wetting bed n stop taken naps n go bed at night n sleep in own bed I pray better days at home
  9. Helplord

    Pray carrielynn feel better n stop taking ...

    Pray carrielynn feel better n stop taking naps n sleep at night
  10. Helplord

    Pray carrielynn be ok n stop taking ...

    Pray carrielynn be ok n stop taking naps n stop being bored n don't run away n help out Pray judy stop interferes with me working it bad enough I
  11. Helplord

    Pray my apartment stay warm someone keep ...

    Pray my apartment stay warm someone keep messing with it my bill are pay on time monthy but no reason to not have a heated apartment Pray judy stop complaining m carrielynn stop taking naps n stay up all day n sleep at night n not eat at night I pray god angel protection my apartment n pray...
  12. Helplord

    I pray my mom stop n pray ...

    I pray my mom stop n pray carrielynn don't get bored n don't run away n hope to go bed n sleep at night n stop taking naps
  13. Helplord

    Pray for better days at home n ...

    Pray for better days at home n my mom don't interferes with me working n keep comments to herself n pray carrielynn be good smile n pray n help out n not cry n go bed at night n not take naps I don't like when my mom use my kids I pray Judy carrielynn Nathan get save
  14. Helplord

    Pray carrielynn be good n smile n ...

    Pray carrielynn be good n smile n pray Pray she stop crying n help around the house Pray she stop taken naps n sleep at night up all day
  15. Helplord

    Pray carrielynn be good n stay in ...

    Pray carrielynn be good n stay in bed n not be bored not run away pray peace in the home n hope she don't take naps
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