Very very urgent nhs email my dentist Paul with a yes aporive accept pay for all all my dental treatment crowns I need done rigjt now without any delay no no no more delays in this please lord in jesus christ name I decree and declare Paul my dentist fixes renews restores all my teeth fillings...
Very very urgent please please all pray I decree and declare in jesus christ name no no more dissappoitments in any way in any area of my life in jesus name no no more rejection in any way form in any area of my life in jesus name no no more delay in any way area of my life in jesus name no no...
anxiety obstacles
country: unknown
life fiances
loneliness singleness lateness
misery sadness
poverty depression stress
single way area part
skin health
suffering misfortune
Please please all pray Lord I cover cover all every photographes videos taken of me with the blood of jesus I decree and declare no no more dissappoitments in any way any form please please lord with any photographes videos taken of me please lord that I need to delete never ever again in jesus...
I decree and declare no no no more dissappoitments in any way form lord with any any photographes videos taken of me that I need to delete please please please lord bless make me evert single part of me plesee please lord look alot alit better than all all every filters without any filters bless...
Very very urgent no no no more lonleyness singleness lateness in marriage no no more dissappoitments rejection sadness sorrow worry stress anxify deppression lack poverty sadness misfortune delay in my life please lord in jesus christ name I decree and declare restoration restoration in every...
country: unknown
disappointment rejection sadness sorrow worry stress anxiety depression
loneliness singleness
poverty sadness misfortune delay
single way area
Very very urgent no no more lonleyness singleness lateness in marriage delay dissappoitments rejection sadness sorrow suffering misfortune bad luck lack poverty tears in my life please lord in jesus christ name I decree and declare restoration restoration in every single way part of my life in...
country: unknown
disappointment rejection sadness
loneliness singleness
marriage delay
misfortune bad luck
poverty tears
single way part
Lord thank you for meeting Paul a I ask you please please bless protect and please please make my relationship please lord with Paul a flourishes in every single way please lord right now more more every day please please bless me and Paul a with a divine divine love connection please please...
Very very urgent no no no more lonleyness singleness lateness in marriage dissappoitments rejection delay suffering misfortune tears pain lack poverty thin hair hair problems itchy scalp skin problems broken missing teeth no no no more dissappoitments in any way form with any any photographes...
Very very urgent please please all pray I decree and declare no no more dissappoitments no more delay no no more rejection no no more critasism no more suffering no more sadness no more sorrow no more tears no more pain suffering struggling hardships no more lonleyness singleness lateness in...
My lord my god thanking you for meeting Paul a I ask you please please bless protect and make me and Paul a relationship flourishes in every way bless me and Paul a please please lord with a divine divine connection love attraction fof each other in every way right now more more every day please...
No no no more dissappoitments with any any photographes videos taken of me in any way any form that I need to delete no no more ever again in jesus name I decree and declare in jesus christ name I look I look incredibly awsome incredibly beautiful incredibly geourgeous incredibly stunning...
I decree and declare no no more poverty lack in my life in any way ever in jesus christ name I decree and declare my finances my financial income savings now right now multiplys multiplys multiplys in millions millions millions right now in jesus christ name more more every day in jesus christ...
No no no more dissappoitments in any way form with any any photographes videos taken of me that I don't like heed to delete no more of this I rebuke all every dissappoitments permanently in every way right now in jesus christ name I decree and declare I look I look incredibly beautiful...
chat videos
country: unknown
photographes videos
photographs videos
self confidence
self esteem
single part
single way
time videos video calls
Very very urgent I decree and declare no no no more dissappoitments please please lord on any way in any form with any photographes videos taken of me that I don't like hate need to delete no more of this never ever again ever please lord in jesus christ name I decree and declare I look I look...
Very very urgent no no more lonleyness singleness lateness in marriage pain suffering misery of lonleyness in my life no no more please lord in jesus christ name I decree and declare Paul a I really like falls madly strongly deeply incredibly in love with every single part of me more alot alot...
Lord I ask you please please no no no more dissappoitments in any way form with any any any photographes videos taken of me that I need to delete no no more of this ever ever again I rebuke all every dissappoitments permanently in my life in every area right now permanently in jesus christ name...
country: unknown
facebook instagram
girls women
photographers videos
photographs videos
single way part
top class models celebrities
Very very urgent no no no more lonleyness singleness pain misery of lonleyness in my life no no no more lateness in marriage please lord in jesus christ name I decree and declare Paul Al I really like he really really likes me in every single way he really really fancys me in every single way he...
country: unknown
divine connection
loneliness singleness pain misery
lots dates
paul al
single part
single wag divine attraction
single way
Very very urgent no no more delay in any way in any area part of my life ever again in jesus name I decree and declare nhs send a yes nhs approve accept pay for all all my dental treatment all crowns I need send it to my dentist Paul right now please lord without any delay no no more delay in...
Very urgent no no no mote lonleyness singleness in my life in any way please lord in jesus christ name I decree and declare p a I really like really really likes me in every single way he really fancys me in every single way he is incredibly attracted to every single part of me in every way he...
No no no more lonleyness singleness in my life please lord in jesus christ name I decree and declare me and p a have a divine connection in every way pa really likes me in every way really fancys me in every way he is incredibly attracted to every single part of Me in every way he is incredibly...