Praise the lord to all of u. My husband is in hsp.from last 2 weeks.dr has many tests know dr said he has multiple myeloma( means rare cancer).i want to request u plz pray for my hsbnd god heal him bcoz both of us so mch believe in god. Nothing is impossible for god he can do anything bt only i...
1. Pray for Mondrack Chiropa from Zimbabwe, his wife Enia chiropa is not feeling well, she has wounds on her legs, they don't have money to go to the doctor, please pray for her complete healing. 2. Pray for Mrs Shirley Ranjana Porter, she is suffering from covid19 corona virus, she also has...
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Kindly pray for sister Mrs. Shirley Ranjana Porter (She has been declared Corona positive. Also suffering from Multiple Myeloma and having boils in her mouth and facing great difficulty in swallowing).
I had multiple myeloma which is actually in remission but I'm still getting some pains and tiredness, I want Jesus to take me whole. Thanks blessed day.