
  1. boazgirl

    House Fire

    Please pray for my boss's friend that was injured in a house fire last night. I don't know how badly hurt he is or what...but heard it on the radio when I got up and thought it was my boss from the address, but it wasn't it was there friends down the street. Houses are all close though so...
  2. T

    Moving Forward

    My family is going through some financial hardships right now. A lot of things needed cannot be afforded. I also feel like I am stuck where I am. I have just graduated college, and I am having trouble passing by boards to start my career. I need to pass it to get a job. I need a job so I can...
  3. boazgirl

    Need A House To Rent!

    I need a house to rent and secure soon. Mine is sold and I do have a possible one, but it may be unsuitable cus it is too small for my family. If that is to work out, I need God to make it work out and be acceptible by my family. However, I am still looking for somthing a bit bigger that takes...
  4. G

    Moving: Need, Jobs, House, Church...

    Moving 30 hours away to minister to my husbands parents who gave him up for adoption as a baby. Please pray that we would be able to find good jobs that we enjoy, that we would find a nice house that is big enough for our large family in a good school district. Also, please pray for us to find a...
  5. L

    Buy A House

    Please pray for me to be able to buy a house this year. Thank you LK
  6. younus bhatti

    Bless The House Owner

    Dear father please control my house owner mind , he trying to cheat with us ,he want we leave this house , but god i present this issue in your hands . father you know until i would not build my own home i could not leave this house, because my family feel comfort in this house,my daughters want...
  7. C

    Need To Sell Our House In California

    We desperately need to sell our house in California for as much as possible To move to South Carolina to care for my mother.
  8. B

    Prayer For My House

    I am concerned today. I have a home that I thought was going to sell last Friday. Unfortunately, I was told today that there were some issues with the underwriting of the buyers loan. I am asking for prayer that this deal will go through. This will extreamly help me and will take a burden...
  9. A

    Moving Forward

    A week before christmas my bf of 2 years broke up with me. I have recently discovered he may have a new girlfriend. I want to be happy for him and let go of my anger and upset. Please lord, give me the strength to let go of my anger and hurt. Help me accept I will feel this way, it is not wrong...
  10. shomir

    Please Pray For My House Rent

    Dear in Christ, Please pray for me that I need $200 monthly for my house rent and food.
  11. A

    House For My Family

    Please pray for us that God make possible for my dream house to build in the land we boughty years ago. Thanks you & God bless
  12. R

    Please Pray That I Do Not Get Evicted From My Apartment And Utilities Stay On. Pray That God Will Bl

    I lost my job on Dec 20, 2011; I was grateful to be off for the holidays. My apartment complex manager understood, but now it is March. I filed my income tax for 2011 year, thinking that would pay off the debt and buy me more time. When I was supposed to receive the refunded check; I receive a...
  13. G

    Green House Sold

    my green house sold before the last of march with money in our hand agreed price TO GOD BE THE GLORY
  14. A

    Vehicle And House

    please pray that God will open doors for a house for us.its our desire to have a place of our own.We desperatly need one.please Lord bless us and with a husband desperatly needs one for work and family.Lord and what ever is blocking him from not getting hes drivers licence cancel it in...
  15. T

    House To Sell

    I need my house to sell in Southern Ontario please pray that someone will love it and buy it full price :)
  16. shomir

    Please Pray For My House Rent

    Dear in Christ, Please pray for me that I need $200 monthly for my house rent and food. 0 'rep_post_260376', { domLikeStripId: 'like_post_260376', app: 'forums', type: 'pid', typeid: '260376' }, parseInt('0') );
  17. heavenly

    I Am Tied Of Moving :(

    i was force to moved downstairs cause apt 3 cause of ceilin leakin now i am downstairs apt 1 n it too cold barely no heat the lanlord say furnace is old i think we need new furnance n vent need to be put in n clean we barewly get heat it last a sec n i got mole in my house n wall sweats...
  18. B

    House Of Horrors:

    Dear Lord, you know that I do not want to go back to the house of horrors, so please before i leave india to go home, please remove the spirits of ilegitimate authourity, dominance, fear and bullying and the spirit of division and fighting within that home and within the minds and hearts of the...
  19. A


    I am going to be moving into a new apartment soon. I will be out on my own again. I just pray that I will keep seeking God and not go back to rock bottom.
  20. raj72


    Dear Lord, Please I want the house. Please do something asp. Someone has put an offer, but I want that house so much. Thank you, KAVITHA-
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