mother father brother

  1. natasha2

    Urgent, old mother, high fever, Covid?

    Please pray for my mother. She is 85. High fever. Very ruspy voice. She is old. Pray against any virus, especially Covid, and for a quick recovery, amen. No heaviness in her stomach. She got it from my brother. PLEASE PRAY FOR PROTECTION FROM ANY SICKNESS FOR me, mother, father, brother...
  2. natasha2


    Please pray extra protection from the devil and any evil from his bosom in Jesus name! Extra protection for my mother, father, brother and me in Jesus name, amen.
  3. natasha2

    Wisdom, leading of the Holy spirit

    Leading of the Holy spirit for me and my family. Wisdom and making of good choices. For me and my family, mother, father, brother, amen. It is very important phase of our lives.
  4. natasha2

    No fever, no Covid - my brother, my family, me

    Pray that my brother will be healthy, no fever. He had yesterday very high fever like more then 39 C. Also pray that God will kill every germ and virus in our bodies, no Covid or sickness in our family, my mother, father, brother, because he is at my parents place living because of...
  5. natasha2

    Good mood, fantastic time with my family, loving relationships

    No lying or manipulation in my family. Honesty, openess, understanding, patience. Loving harmonious relationships in my family - my mother, father, brother and me. Lord, today fantastic lunch with my family (good mood, positivity, optimism, good time together).
  6. natasha2

    Health, strength....

    Healthy. Strong. Regenerated. Rejuvenated. From the top of my head to the tip of my toes in Jesus name. My family to (mother, father, brother...)
  7. natasha2

    Cooling of the Holy spirit, heat wave

    Cooling of the Holy spirit for me, my mother, father, brother. Heat wave in Croatia.
  8. natasha2

    Health, strength, joy...resolution of our problems, brother in prison falsely accused

    Health. Strength. Good mood. Joy. Optimism. Positivity. Vision for the future. Resolution of all our problems. For me and my family. My mother, father, brother. All of that especially for my brother who is in prison falsely accused for rape and physical abuse. He needs all the emotional...
  9. natasha2

    Health, strength

    Health, strength today for me, my mother, father, brother.
  10. natasha2

    Harmonious family...salvation of my family

    Harmonious loving relationships in my family. My mother, father, brother very good, respectful, loving, full of understanding and patience for me. To be favored daughter in the family finaly amen. Wash us with your blood from every evil word and deed in Jesus name. My mother stop comploting...
  11. natasha2

    Protection from heat... health and loving relationships - my family

    Protection from heat for me, my mother, father, brother. Cooling of the Holy spirit. Health, strength for all of us. Good mood, positivity, joy, good time. Loving family relationships Full of love, patience, understanding, compassion...
  12. natasha2

    Protection from heat wave

    Protection from heat wave for me and my family in Jesus name. (mother, father, brother, me) Cooling of the Holy spirit. Health, strength, good mood, positivity.
  13. Yinokarryn

    Marriage, love, affection. prayer to make two females to go away from our life

    Today I ask to ask for a special pray that there are these two females in my partners life which I genuinely don't think are good for our relationship, I just pray that they get loving partners of their own and be happy with them, but leave my partner alone. I pray and ask for love, affection...
  14. Indika Peries

    My Dear Lord, Please protect us

    Praise the Lord! Thank God foe everything! Dear Lord, Please mercy on us, please protect all us from the pandemic corona virus, please protect my wife, our baby Tehelie, our expecting baby, my self, my mother, my father, my brother, Deron, Rumeshi, my sister, my sister's sons Shane, Shaun...
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