Very very urgent please please all pray my lord God please get me please 3 brabd new crowns on 3 broken teeth I have right now please without any delay and tooth thats moving please remove abs please please replace wutg brand new bridges not a denture asapmpleae restore restore all every broken...
Lord please restore all efety broken missing teeth I have please asap no more delays in thus please abd tooth thats moving please lord make it be replaced please with a brabd new bridge not a deture asap please intervene abd sort restore my teeth asao please in jesus christ namess
Lord nothing nothing is impossible for you your words say ask and I will recieve lord please please restore every all broken missing teeth I have please right now please without any delay no more delays on this please bless Me please with incredibly awsome teeth great Whiting I desire new...
Very very urgent lord please please restore restore all every broken missing teeth I have please lord right now better efer before asap without any delay no more delays in this place in jesus christ namess please lord bless me please with awsome amazing incredibly teeth whitening I desire new...
Lord please please restore all every broken missing teeth I have please lord right now please without any delay please as soon as possible no more delays in this fix restore transform please lord all my teeth abd bless me please wuth amazing teeth whitening I desire asap please in jesus christ...
Lord please please restore all efery broken missing teeth I have better ever before please lord right now please lord without any delay please in jesus christ namess please bless me please wuty awsome amazing teeth whitening new teeth j desire please lord asap without any delay no more delays in...
Very very urgent lord please please restore every all broken missing teeth i have please lord right now asap without any delay no more delays on this please lord transform all my teeth bless me please lord with the teeth I desire please lord in jesus christ namess
Lord please please restore fix all every broken missing teeth I have please right now please asap without any delay more delay on this please in jesus christ namess
Lord please please restore every all broken missing teeth in my mouth please asap without any delay no more delay kn this bless my teeth to please be restored fixed transformed in efdfy way rught now without any delay please in jesus christ namess
Very very very urgent lord by uoir power mercy grave please please restore all every broken missing teeth I have asap no more delays on this please transform restore all my teeth asap please abd please maje my dentist call me about my teeth asap abd practice to open asap avd all the flooding...
Lord please please please restore all efery broken missing I teeth I have asap without ahy delay bless me me please wuth bragd new beautiful stunning teeth smile I desire right now please without any delay please no more no more delay in this I jesus christ namess
Very very urgent lord please please restore restore all every broken missing teeth jn ky mouth rught now right now asap without any delay no no more delays in this place please bless me wutg grand new beautiful teeth i desire right now without aby delay no more delays in this no more rejection...
Very very urgent please all pray Lord please please restore all every broken missing teeth I have alot alot better than ever before right now please without any delay in jesus christ namess
Lord I ask you please please restore every all broken missing teeth I have asap without any delay please in jesus christ namess please please make the dental hospital please please fit 3 brand new crowns brabd new bridges on all efery broken missing teeth I have please transform all my teeth...
Very very urgent lord I ask you please please lord maje the dental hospital please please lord fit 3 nrabd new crowns brabd new bridges please please lord 9m all evefy broken missing teeth I have right now asap please lied without any delay please in jesus christ namess I ask you please please...