
  1. Anonymous

    No no no more lack poverty in ...

    No no no more lack poverty in any way in any area of my life please lord I ask you please please please bless multiply multiply my finances my financial income savings now right now please please please lord in millions millions millions as I deeply desire please lord right now without any delay...
  2. Anonymous

    I ask you please please please lord ...

    I ask you please please please lord bless bless and please please please multiply multiply multiply my finances my financial income savings please please lord now right now please please lord in millions millions millions as I desire please please lord right now without any delay please lord in...
  3. Anonymous

    Lord I ask you please please please ...

    Lord I ask you please please please bless multiply multiply multiply my finances my financial income savings please lord now right now please please lord in millions millions millions as I deeply desire right now please please lord without any delay more more every day please no no more lack...
  4. Anonymous

    I ask you please please lord bless ...

    I ask you please please lord bless bless and please please multiply multiply my finances my financial income savings now right now please please please lord in millions millions millions as I desire please lord right now without any delay more more every day please look in jesus christ namess
  5. Anonymous

    Very urgent lord I ask you please ...

    Very urgent lord I ask you please please multiply my finances my financial income savings please lord In millions millions millions as I deeply desire right now please lord without any delay please lord more more every day please lord in jesus christ namess
  6. Anonymous

    Lord I ask you please please bless ...

    Lord I ask you please please bless multiply my finances my financial income savings now right now please lord in millions millions millions as u desire right now please lord without any delay in jesus christ namess
  7. Anonymous

    Very very very no no no more ...

    Very very very no no no more lack poverty In my life please lord in any way in jesus name I decree and I my finances my financial income savings now right now multiplys multiplys in millions millions right now without any delay at all more more every day in jesus christ namess
  8. Anonymous

    I decree and declare my finances my ...

    I decree and declare my finances my financial income savings now right now multiplys multiplys in millions millions millions as I desire right now without any delay more more every day in jesus christ namess
  9. Anonymous

    I decree and declare my finances my ...

    I decree and declare my finances my financial income savings now right now multiplys multiplys in millions millions millions right now without any delay more more every day in jesus christ namess
  10. Anonymous

    No no no more lack poverty on ...

    No no no more lack poverty on my life in any way no no more living in 1 bedroom council flat I am enbarrest about please lord I decree and declare my finances my financial income savings now right now multiplys multiplys multiplys in millions millions millions right now without any delay at all...
  11. Anonymous

    Lord I ask you please please bless ...

    Lord I ask you please please bless me to please go abundantly holidays now always buy the multiply homes I desire please lord outright with no no mortgages at all now please without any delay please please bless multiply multiply my finances my financial income savings now right now without any...
  12. Anonymous

    No no no more lack poverty in ...

    No no no more lack poverty in my life in any way ever in jesus christ name I decree and declare my finances my financial income savings now right now multiplys multiplys in millions millions millions right now please lord without any delay at all more more every day please lord in jesus christ...
  13. Anonymous

    Lord I ask you please please please ...

    Lord I ask you please please please multiply multiply my finances my financial income savings now right now please please lord in millions millions millions as I desire please lord right now alot alot more more every day please lord in jesus christ namess
  14. Anonymous

    Very very urgent no no more lack ...

    Very very urgent no no more lack poverty in my life no no more living in 1 bedroom council flat I am enbarrest about I ask you please please lord bless and please please multiply multiply my finances my financial income savings now right now please please please lord in millions millions...
  15. Anonymous

    Lord please please please multiply multiply my ...

    Lord please please please multiply multiply my finances my financial income savings now right now please please lord in millions millions millions as I desire please lord without any delay more more every day in jesus christ namess
  16. Anonymous

    I decree and declare my finances my ...

    I decree and declare my finances my financial income savings now right now multiplys multiplys multiplys in millions millions millions please please lord right now without any delay more more every day please lord without any delay at all no no more lack. Poverty living in 1 bedroom council flat...
  17. Anonymous

    Lord thank you for the money I ...

    Lord thank you for the money I have savings I have benifits I have thank you that your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please please bless and please please multiply multiply my finances my financial income savings now right now please please please lord in millions millions...
  18. Anonymous

    I decree and declare my finances my ...

    I decree and declare my finances my financial income savings now right now multiplys multiplys in millions millions millions right now without any delay more more every day please lord in jesus christ namess
  19. Anonymous

    Lord please please multiply multiply my finances ...

    Lord please please multiply multiply my finances my financial income savings now right now please please in millions millions millions as I deeply desire thag I can buy all the new Homes I desire outright with no no mortgages at all please lord without any delay please lore in jesus namess
  20. UsherAlexis

    The eternal purpose of our existence.

    We are just strangers and pilgrims on earth our years on earth is very short. We have been sent here to earth to be a blessing to millions on the earth. On line, I have thousands of friends who are so hungry to hear Gods word and find hope for their life. Let us all remember that we have...
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