I decree and declare my finances my financial income savings now right now multiplys multiplys multiplys in millions millions millions as I deeply desire please please lord rigjt now without any delay more more every day the blessing of the Lord brings me wealth he adds no no trouble sorrow to...
Very urgent lord I ask you please please please bless protect and please please multiply multiply my finances my financial income savings in millions millions millions as I deeply desire please lord right now without any delay please lord more more every day please lord in jesus christ namess
Very urgent lord please please bless multiply multiply my finances my financial income savings now right now please please lord in millions millions millions as I desire please lord right now without aby delay more more every day please lord in jesus christ namess
Very urgent lord please please multiply multiply my finances my financial income savings now right now please please lord in millions millions millions as I deeply desire please please lord right nowxwithiyt any delay more more every day in jesus christ namess
Very very urgent lord please please multiply multiply my finances my financial income savings now right now please lird without any in millions millions right now without any delay please lord more more every day please lord in jesus christ namess
I decree and declare my finances my financial income savings now right now multiplys multiplys multiplys in millions millions millions as I deeply desire right now without any delay alot alot alot more more every day please lord in jesus christ namess
Man of God I want God should bless I and my husband with millions before this month go to an end the landlord is asking us to live his house because we are unable to pay his rent we have been living from hand to mouth no one is able to help debts every were I believe in miracle and the...
I decree and declare In jesus christ name my finances my financial income savings now right now please please lord multiplys multiplys multiplys in millions millions millions as I deeply deeply desire please lord right now without any delay at all alot alot more more every day no no no more lack...
I decree and declare in jesus christ name my finances my financial income savings now right now multiplys multiplys in millions millions millions as I deeply desire right now alot alot more more every day please lord no no no more poverty lack I my life in any way at all please lord in jesus...
I decree and declare my finances my financial income savings now right now multiplys multiplys multiplys in millions millions right now without any delay more more every day please lord no no more lack poverty in my life in any way ever please lord in jesus christ namess
I decree and declare my finances my financial income savings now right now multiplys multiplys in millions millions millions as I deeply desire right now alot alot more more every day please lord no no more lack poverty in my life in any way form at all please lord in jesus christ namess
I decree and declare no no no more poverty lack in my life in any way ever in jesus christ name I decree and declare my finances my financial income savings now right now multiplys multiplys in millions millions millions as I deeply desire right now alot alot more more every day please lord in...
Lord thank you for the money I have savings I have benifits I have thank you lord that your words say ask ask and I will recieve I ask you please please please lird bless protect and please please multiply multiply my finances my financial income savings now right now please please lord in...
Lord I ask you please please bless protect multiply multiply multiply multiply please please my finances my financial income savings now right now please please please lord in millions millions millions as I deeply deeply desire please lord right now without any delay at all please lord in jesus...
Very very urgent please please all pray Lord lord please please bless protect multiply multiply my finances my financial income savings now please right now please please lord in millions millions millions right now please more more every day please no no more lack poverty in my life please lord...
Lorr please please please multiply multiply my finances my financial income savings now right now please please please lord in millions millions millions as I desire please lorr right now without any delay more more every day please lord in jesus christ namess
I ask you please please lord bless protect and please please multiply multiply my finances my financial income savings now right now please please lord in millions millions millions as I deeply desire please lord right now without any delay more more every day please lord in jesus christ name no...
My fiances my financial income savings now right now multiplys multiplys multiplys in millions millions millions right now alot alot more more every day in jesus christ namess