God I acknowledge Your mighty power that turn around the captivity of Zion.I pray You turn sales around in my shops in 9douglas 10pm Okigwe road 120 wethral road all in owerri.Change every negative atmosphere around my business premises and full it with atmosphere of Your glory in Jesus name Amen.
Very very urgent lord please please remove every bit of filler under my eyes I don't like completely totally permanently where there is absolutely no no raised bits at at all absolutely no bulky bits at all can't feel it at all when looking up or down completely totally gone make doctor darren...
brand new skin
country: unknown
doctor darren
face skin neck
financial income savings
pot holes res veins
power healing peace joy
right spots places
skin problems
Very very urgent lord please please remove every bit of filler I don't like under my eyes where there is absolutely no raised bulky bits please please make doctor darren use alot more disdolver in all the right places spots to get rid of it permanently where I cant see it feel it when u lokm up...
Very very urgent lord please please heal my under eyes under cheekbone mu whoke scalp skin nerves iron blood confidence every single part of me now please lord in jesus christ name please please lird streanthen streanthen every single part of me please lord in mighty mighty Power please lord...
blood confidence
cheekbone mu
country: unknown
financial income savings
healing mightypower strength peace
human understanding joy
scalp skin nerves
single part
Very very urgent please all pray Lord please please remove every single bit of filler dark circles hollows under my eyes permanently in every way please in jesus christ name please heal my scalp from all itchy scalp permanently heal me from asthma every all symptoms of asthma heal me from all...
Please join me to pray that the mighty power of God will heal my son Daniel of every trace of autism and make him whole in the mighty name of Jesus christ amen.
Very very urgent please all pray Lord please please remove every single all filler dark circles raised bits under my eyes permanently completely right now please without any delay in jesus christ namess please remove all fluod whatever it is under my left cheekbone please please remove every...
black heads
blood platelets
country: unknown
face skin neck
filler dark circles
healing power strength peace
iron levels
left cheekbone
red veins
Very very urgent lord please please remove all every filler raises bits dark circles hollows under my eyes permanently perform miracles wonders of healing for me please please heal every single part of me please lord keep me in perfect peace streanthen me in mighty power please lord in jesus...
Very very urgent please please all pray Lord please please please remove every all dark circles hollows filler all raised bits from filler under my eyes away completely totally permanently now please without any delay perform miracles and wonders for me lord in jesus christ namess please please...
Very very very urgent please all.pray lord please please make my iron levels normal right now always let my blood test for iton come back this time normal normal in jesus christ name heal my blood platelets in every single way in jesus christ name heal under my eyes remove every all filler all...
blood platelets
blood test
brand new skin brand new skin brand
country: unknown
face skin neck
incredibly beauty glory radiance shekinah glory
nerve problems legs
peace love power strength
skin problems
Very urgent please pray Lord please please take all every bit of filler under my eyes completely permanently away all raised bits all every dark circles hollows under my eyes away make dissolver work please lird key my iron levels be normal right now always let my blood iron results dhow my iron...
Very urgent I decree and declare my iron levels are normal right now always my blood is healed in every way every single part of me is healed healed in every single way right now please lord streanthen every single part of me in mighty power let your peace rule in my mind thoughts whole body...
Very very urgent lord please please fix my under eyes please the exact way I want them please lord with absolutely no no dark circles hollows pigmentation marks lumps bumps raised bits at all awsome amazing desired results only please no no more dissappoitments please lord give doctor darren...
awesome amazing desired results
country: unknown
dark circles
doctor darren
insight skill wisdom compassion patience
iron levels
lumps bumps
mightypowerpower strength
quality time
Very very urgent lord please please heal fix my under eyes where there is absolutely no no no dark circles hollows pigmentation marks lumps bumps raised bits as I deeply desire that I am overjoyed please please give doctor darren incredibly incredibly supernatural incredibly skill wisdom...
country: unknown
dark circles
doctor darren
hollows pigmentation
iron levels blood
lumps bumps
mind thoughts
skill wisdom patience
skin problems
Very very urgent please please all pray Lord I ask you please please fix under my eyes thd way I desire with absolutely no no hollows dark circles lumps bumps raised bits without any delay that I am overwhelmed please give doctor darren incredibly incredibly wisdom skill to get raised bit under...
country: unknown
doctor darren
healing power peace joy
hollows dark circles
lumps bumps
mind body thoughts
peace rule
skin hair scalp teeth
wisdom skill
Very very urgent lord please please fix my under eyes perfectly awsomley amazly with absolutely no no dark circles hollows raised bit lumps or bumps at all awsome anazing desired results only please please give doctor darren incredibly incredibly wisdom skill please lord to fix my under eyes...
Very very urgent lord please please fix my under eyes to perfection with absolutely no no dark circles hollows pigmentation marks lumps bumps raised bits at all the way I desire please please give doctor darren incredibly supernatural wisdom skill patience compassion understanding to fix them...
blood test
country: unknown
dark circles
doctor darren
healing peace joy
hollows pigmentation
iron levels
lumps bumps
supernatural wisdom skill patience compassion
Lord please please heal my iron levels now please heal mu under eyes skin every part of me streanthen every part of me in power mighty power fill me with your peace please please give doctor darren supernatural skill wisdom patience to fix under my eyes thr way I want them please lord with...
country: unknown
dark circles
doctor darren supernatural skill wisdom patience
eyes skin
iron levels
pigmentation lumps bumps
Very very urgent lord heal me from amxity worry fear deporession all nerve problems all weakness pmt bad period pains thin hair itchy scalp all blood problems low iron all teeth gum problems heal my under eyes fix my under eyes where there is absolutely no dark circles hollows raised bits at all...
bad period pains
compassionate heal
country: unknown
dark circles
doctor darren supernatural wisdom skill
healing power strength peace joy
nerve problems
perfect peace
thin hair
Very very urgent lord please heal deliver me from all anxity all deppression all fear all every nerve problems all every skin problems thin hair itchy scalp asthma all symptoms of asthma all every weakness heal every single part of me lord now fill me with your healing love total peace that...
brand new skin desire
country: unknown
healing love total peace
healing power strength peace joy
human understanding joy
marriage disappointment rejection criticism
misery suffering sadness disappointment rejection
single way area
supernatural skill wisdom