The Lord is gracious and merciful, He is great in kindness and good to all. The Lord is righteous in all His ways, so bless the Lord and give Him praise due to His name. Please fast and pray before the Lord for all the lost souls of our town and city. Please come to our Midweek prayer service...
Dear Lord, bless our Midweek Prayer service and Bible Study. Bless those who are going to come and pray with us. May the Lord hear our prayers and answer with blessings.
Jesus You are the sweetest name of all and I love You with all of my heart today and will love You forever more. Please, hear us and answer all these prayers the saints of God are pleading to You for help, healing and mercy. Please Jesus, bless my pastor and his family. Bless our midweek prayer...
Dear God, bless our pastor and his family as he prepares for our Midweek Prayer Service and Bible Study. Dear Lord, send lost souls in need of a Savior and bless them we pray. Amen
Seek those things that are above, not the things that are on the earth. Anything we have on earth will pass away but those who do the will of the Father will stand forever. Love this verse so much. Please pray that I will forever seek those things God want us to do and live a holy and pure life...
Please be in prayer of our Midweek Prayer Service and Bible study. May the Lord bless each lost souls that will come in and be saved by the grace of the Lord Jesus. He loves you and me and He cares about our life and our future. Expect to see Jesus face to face with Christ my Savior.
Would you all please pray for our midweek prayer service and bible study. May God visit us and save those lost souls that roam in our cities and towns. Jesus want us all in heaven, let us all go to the house of the Lord and worship Him in spirit and in truth.
Having a high regard for the Lord for what He has done for others, He can do for us. Healing lepers all over the place, opening the eyes of the blind where no one can heal them, the lame walked and people marvelled at this wonderful work from heaven and the oppressed were delivered from their...
Please pray that our Midweek prayer service will be full of people to pray for all nations of the earth and for salvation of lost souls in our towns and cities. We all need the Lord today because we do not know the future. Only Jesus can save us from anything that comes in our path like viruses...
Would you all please pray for our Midweek Prayer Service and Bible Study that all lost souls of our city will come in and hear the words of the Lord. Come to Me... says the Lord and be saved. O Lord, hear us and send revival to all our churches and may the name of the Lord be glorified in each...
Requesting prayers for our Midweek Prayer Service and bible study. May God bless everyone who will come in for prayer and please, pray for those unsaved souls that need Jesus. Thank you.
Dear prayer warriors, please pray for our midweek prayer service and bible study to be full of the presence of Jesus. Anyone who will come in will find Jesus speaking to their heart. Pray for saving grace and mercy for those who lost everything and have no place to stay. Thank you and God bless you.
O the glory of Your presence.... We Your temple give You reverence. So, arise to Your rest and be blessed by our praise as we glory in Your embrace. As Your presence now fills this place. Would you all please pray that I will be continually living in the holy presence of Jesus and that we all...
Requesting prayers for our Midweek Prayer Service and bible study. May the presence of the Lord fill our hearts with joy and peace. His love is deeper than the ocean floor and never ever cease or dissappear from our heart. Thank you Jesus for loving us and caring for us.
Prayers for our Midweek Prayer Service and Bible study. All lost souls that will come be saved by the power of Jesus mercy and compassion. Lord I give You my heart, my soul and every single desire I have it will be to glorify Thy holy name. In Jesus name. Amen
Dear prayer warriors, would you please pray for our church to have revival and lost souls of everywhere will come in and get saved and be on their way to heaven. Please pray for our midweek prayer service and bible study. May the Lords name be glorified in our life and in everything we do for...
Please pray for our midweek prayer service and bible study to be full of the presence of Jesus. We want to magnify the Lord and exalt His holy name. Pray for all those homeless and those who lost their jobs to come to prayer meeting and Jesus will bless their life.
Holy Spirit come flow through us. Make our marriage a blessing and help those couples who have problems getting along. Bless our children, fill them with the power of the Holy Spirit. Make our life what it ought to be, full of blessings and help to all our neighbors. Bless my pastor, our midweek...
Dear Lord, please bless our midweek prayer service and bible study. Bring lost souls to pray and find true life in Jesus. Save them, help them and fix their problems,we pray. Amen