I have an emergency prayer right now. My mother and I landlord called us but my mother and I didn't know she called and she left a message to my mother on the voicemail saying for her to come in the office today. I afraid it's something not good that she wants to tell us. I know it could be...
Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY, thanks for your message.please my problems are over now ilost my job because of majority of the people hunting for me the company said because my life is risky they cannot work with me only one month . every where igoes woman and man childrens hunting for me...
I'm born again my wife isn't as of right now we have a 10 month old little boy that is precious my wife sent me a message today out of the blue after I've been praying for her from afar said she wasn't happy anymore and she wanted to be by herself I love my wife I don't want a divorce or even...
Please Man of God am sending this message from Ghana am Gabriel Gafe am Pastor my problem is marriage and bad dream my may problem is mustabetion and pastoria work please Man of God i need deliverance Please Man of God help me please this is my number +233249506578 thanks
Please Man of God am sending this message from Ghana am Pastor Gabriel Gafe from Volta region am having problem about marriage my major problem is mustabetion i can't stop please i need a help from m Man of God. i want delivernce please my +233249506578
Dear Lord I want to change wholeheartedly. Please give me strength to change myself. I need the courage to help myself and others. I don’t wanna be like this anymore doing nothing the whole day and causing troubles for myself and others. Dear Lord thank you for everything and forgive me.Please...
Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY iam sufering alot in my life, from my child hood now even my families have abondone me because of more year's outside ,and I couldn't help them . Please my life is . meserable and for here no peace for me every where people hunting tu take my life away please...
My elder brother and his wife have been avoiding us for almost two years now but yesterday I got a message from him. Saying our God is good, he is a very nice person, got ill some time ago but all is good now, thank you Jesus and thank you prayer team
Good morning Emanuel I'm Ethiopian living in south Africa please I want you guys to pray for me online. I've been trying to get in touch with you guys this message will be the 5th message PLEASE pray for me I have blood pressure, sugar diabetes and toothache. I'm suffering a lot please at least...
Good morning Emanuel I'm Ethiopian living in south Africa please I want you guys to pray for me online. I've been trying to get in touch with you guys this message will be the 5th message PLEASE pray for me I have blood pressure, sugar diabetes and toothache. I'm suffering a lot please at least...
Please pray for me. I am suffering from black magic for more than 50 years. I lost everything in my life but not my Jesus. Those who read this message please pray for me. God will bless you.
Tell prophet Tb joshua tiday tis demon was very strong ineed deliverance,dear bro ad sistrs will read tis message kindly let tb jostbb knw tsknwwsent my case to him its noitssrious,kindly sent ts mestss mesagemesageim knw amknwwhericatherinean...ineed dliverance,below I my picallipicalliw mn...
Wondering what is happening with P, who was making plans to visit me this month, and even for us to get married. P had to go and work abroad. P has been away for 6 months now. He usually phones me daily, but I have not heard from him for the last four days, and I cannot get through to his phone...
When Jesus heard [the blind man begging for mercy], he stopped and said, "Tell him to come here."
So they called the blind man. "Cheer up," they said. "Come on, he's calling you!" Bartimaeus threw aside his coat, jumped up, and came to Jesus.
—Mark 10:49-50 NLT
Key Thought
Jesus still...
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new life
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phil ware scripture quotations
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Plesss say a prayer for me not feeling well😢 so I was force to call off from work today I had to cancelled my appointment this morning n I feel sad 😞 but I got a message I can reschedule my appointment before noon tomorrow but still not feeling the best I pray I keep pushing pressing n praying n...
Let me and dc grow and bond with each other. Help us remember we care about each other. Just because it didnt work the first time and now we have a chance to fix it. Please give dc the strength, have faith and believe in us again. Please can he call or message me soon
We need prayers of protection the enemy is plotting evil our family has received a message that a threat is coming to our home tomorrow we are in desperate need of God’s mighty hand to protect our entire family.
Please give my mom the strength to believe in her self again. Help her have faith again. Praying for her health. Help dc call or message me. Help him see there's a chance
Prayer of Lord my Heavenly Father, please provide for the strength to carry forward your word unto all those who need it the most. Let me share my joy and praise, my love and devotion with all those who doubt. May my heart be as open as my mouth Lord, sharing your message or singing a psalm...