menstrual cycle

  1. natasha2

    Harmonyand peace in my body

    Please pray for harmony and peace in my body. Especially hormonal harmony. Normal period and menstrual cycle. No intermefiate bleeding or to long bleeding.
  2. natasha2

    Menstrual cycle

    Please pray that everything around my period and my menstrual cycle will be healthy, regular, normal, moderate. Hormons normal, reproductive and female organs healthy. No intermediate or to long bleeding. Healthy menopause transition.
  3. natasha2

    Sleep, health, heal5hy habits

    Please pray for 1) health of my female/reproductive organs 2) balanced hormons 3) everything around my menstrual cycle and period healthy, regular, normal) 4) healrhy eatung, sleeping exercicing habits 5) peace, harnony in my body mind soul.spirit 6) dropping ro my perfect weight (10-15 kg)...
  4. natasha2

    Menstrual cycle

    Please pray that everything around my menstrual cycle and period will be normal and regular and moderate. Not to often periods or to long or to excessive or intermediate bleeding. Normal cycle of 28-30 days. Hormonal levels normal. Reproductive and female organs healrhy and purifie Normal...
  5. natasha2

    Menstrual cycle, find my clothes, godly husband

    Please pray 1) that eveeything around my menstrual cycle and period will be healthy, normal, regular, moderate, punctual.... 2) healthy hormonal levels, healthy female and repriductive organs 3) godly mate/partner for me. I am 50 4) to find my missing summer clothes somewhere in the appartement!!
  6. natasha2

    Menstrual cycle

    Please pray that everything around my period and menstrual cycle will be healthy, normal, regular and moderate. Hormons, reproductive/female organs healthy, stabile. Peace and harmony in my body, mind, soul Thank you
  7. natasha2

    Health, healthy habits, protection, godly husband

    Please pray for 1) my general health 2) health of my female and reproductive organs 3) my menstrual cycle 4) regular, moderate, healthy period 5) healthy hormonal level and health of endocrine system 6) HEALTHY EATING, SLEEPING, EXERCISING and all other habits 7) protection from Corona virus for...
  8. natasha2

    Health, healthy habits, protection

    Please pray for 1) my general health, everything healthy, regular and harmonious around my female/reproductive organs and menstrual cycle. No too long, irregular or intermediate bleeding. 2) healthy eating, sleeping and exercising habits 3) protection from Corona virus for me and my family 4)...
  9. natasha2

    Healthy habits

    Please pray that i would have healthy eating, sleeping, moving/exercusing habit and other habits.. Also pray for general joy and healrh, especially everything around menstrual cycle and female organs. Thank yiu. Amen! Going to sleep cca at midnight or earlier and waking up at 8 h or earlier...
  10. natasha2


    Please pray for health of my 1) sinuses 2) teeth 3) dental flesh 4) stomach 5) reproductive/female organs Also that the bleeding will co.pletely stop amd my menstrual cycle completely normalized
  11. natasha2

    Menstr cycle, stop the bleeding

    Please pray that my menatrual cycle will be normal. Stop the bleeding it last for to long now. Please pray 1) for order and harmony body 2) health and purufication of my female/reproductive organs 3) health and order in my endocrine and hormonal system.
  12. natasha2

    Stop the bleeding/period

    Please pray that this bleeding will stop. No irregular period. I have a little bleeding for days. Its better then 7 days ago but still it must atop. I had peeiod for almost 14 days. Please pray for regular and normal period and menstr cycle. No more bleeding now and until next period
  13. natasha2

    Period/bleeding must stop; online school

    Please pray further that 1) any irregular bleeding will stop and my menstr cycle will be regular and my periods normal 2) that any boiling/nervosity/gastritis in my stomach will stop 3) that i will have today perfect peace and health 4) that negative thinking, fear, anxiety, worry will stop 5)...
  14. natasha2

    Headake stress period

    Please pray against headake tension stress neevosity and that i will be relaxed peaceful calm, my period will.stop finaly and my menstr cycle be regula and normal. Stress around work.(online schoool classes and final grades). Relaxation so that i can also normaly sleep. Thank you
  15. natasha2

    Let bleeding stops

    In the name of Jeaus let any bleeding stops and my menstrual cycle and periods be regular, healthy and normal. No fear and worry but FAITH for healing. Anything in my body that is not of God like sickness, stress, growths, evil spirits be removed and cast into the sea amen! I commamd healing...
  16. natasha2

    No period please

    Please pray that this on and off comming and going period will stop. Let any bleeding stop. I had peeiod 14 days ago and it is not normal. Let my menstr cycle be normal and regulqr. Whatever is the cause let it be removed, normalized or stoped. Whatever is not of Godet it be renoved from my...
  17. natasha2

    Health, menstr cycle, no period please

    Pleass pray 1) that i will regular and normal period and menstrual cycle 2) that this bleeding will stop. Becausw my peeiod was to long and it stoped for 3 days yesterday evening again excessive, today better but still... 3) normalization of my hormons 4) removing of nervosity fear, anxiety...
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