I’m Martha. My left ankle is hurting a lot and looks a bit swollen. I don’t remember injuring my ankle. My whole left leg and foot hurts. I think it’s menopause?? please, pray the swelling in my left ankle goes down and it stops hurting!!
I’ve been celibate for almost 9 years and the devil is trying to send me in to menopause at 36 years old. The devil knows full well my newly married husband and I want babies! Heal me oh lord and I shall be healed save me oh lord and I shall be healed
I’m Martha and my period is late because I’m approaching menopause. Because period is late I’m now constipated, have hot flushes and feel awful physically and emotionally. Please, pray my period returns soon. Thank you all! God bless you!
No falling off of hair.
Strong not fragile.
Thick not thin.
Like it used to be year ago.
Strong healthy voluminous luxuriant dense hair.
Like it used to be.
Removed any cause.
I have lost lots of hair (1/3 maybe more), maybe menopause, maybe vitamins, minerals, hormons, God forbid any...
Stop my period (bleeding).
It lasts for to long.
Removed all causes.
Stress or menopause or hormons or vitamins, minerals etc...
Regular menstrual cycle.
Voluminous luxuriant hair like it used to be.
No falling off.
Thicker (not thin) like it used to be.
Strong not fragile in Jesus name.
Stopping my period.
It came to early.
No unpleasant symptoms.
Be it from stress or from menopause.
Heavenly Father, please heal my internal female organs right now ,I have some bleading and discharge,may be is normal if I am getting into menopause.Please send Your Healing touch right now and heal me,in Jesus name amen.
No fear or anxiety around my health or changes on my body. (menopause)
Lord, please help me to see what changes i must accept and for what can i pray against, because you said, WHATEVER YOU ASK in prayer, it will be given unto you and you are the God of impossible, amen.
I am 51, female.
My period lasts for to long.
13th day.
It is weaker then yesterday but still.
Thank you for your prayers.
I am 51.
Please pray that everything around my hormons, period, menstrual cycle, reproductive system, female organs and menopause in general will be healthy, normal, regular, moderate...
My Mother name is Reshma,Age-47. she is not feeling well Typically due to Menopause,She is getting Cramps in her hands,Plam Toes, pain in the joints of leg and hand Gases problem, sweating, feeling upset always.... uncomfortable,she also feeling like Dizziness......... ..... please heal her pain...
Regular menstrual cycle.
Regular moderate period.
No to short or to long menstr cycle.
Easy menopause transition.
No pms or menopause unpleasant symptoms.
Healthy female and reproductive system, organs, glands, tubes, tissues, canals, cells, in Jesus name, amen.
No viruses, harmful...
Good diggestion.
No nausea in stomach.
Normal stomach acid.
No gastritis, acid reflux, heart burn.
No pms.
Regular menstrual cycle. (28-30 days, not more or less)
My period finaly coming.
Menopause without symptoms.
Please pray I sleep better tonight. I have not being able to sleep well for many days. I Keep waking up during the night and then I’m tired all day :( I think it’s stress and the beginning of menopause too.
Good morning Pastor. I thank God for what he is doing through you. Please help me pray for marriage and health. Am 48 years old and I am still single. The worst thing is that my period has stopped for 1 year now, and doctors are saying its menopause. I know God can do all things please pray for...