
  1. Brother in Christ (JC)

    Please pray for one of our members

    I'm concern about one of our members who had an operation today. Please pray that our friend is okay and that everything went well, in Jesus precious name.
  2. Saxessan

    I am dimple pundir from Amritsar .ten ...

    I am dimple pundir from Amritsar .ten year my married life but not baby . All my in law home problem my home all members tens all family big problem plz prayer my all family and me( dimple ) ten years not baby
  3. Floferth

    Praise Jesus! Members pray for me to ...

    Praise Jesus! Members pray for me to receive deliverence from the spirit s of death
  4. 1Dana

    Please pray for a family member who ...

    Please pray for a family member who is in ICU in critical condition. Has infection all through body and only 43 years old. I know so many people that are dying from Covid. Please pray for their family members. I thank God everyday for me and my husband and 3 kids for not getting sick with Covid...
  5. Seventh254

    Trip to Brazil

    Hi. please pray for my Brother Giovanni, he is flying to Brazil today with a few members from his church . please pray for all of them that they have a safe trip and return home safe. Thank you God Bless You !
  6. Brother in Christ (JC)

    2021 Peace for all Nations! ❤

    May all our members along with their nations have a blessed New Year! May the Harvest be plentiful! I pray with and by the authority of our risen Saviour Jesus. Amen. 2🌍21 Pray for Global Peace, Protection, and Good Health to all! Stay spiritually ready at all times.
  7. Love lead.

    Help praise, honour God.

    Please all members of this channel help me to praise and honour our Lord Jesus Christ for blessings and goodness to my family, siblings and me He has been and will be, in Jesus'Name, amen.
  8. Salvanised

    Thanks Lord I Requested a prayer for ...

    Thanks Lord I Requested a prayer for my dad Thank u Jesus and all members prayer, now from ICU he is Shifted to room
  9. Micseth

    Prayer for the Lord’s guidance and protection ...

    Prayer for the Lord’s guidance and protection of members of this group
  10. Imeralgi

    Lord, I pray for open doors, financial ...

    Lord, I pray for open doors, financial break through, job upliftment and above all good health for every members of my family. Amen
  11. Flebethelg

    Praying to hv my children in 2021(triplets ...

    Praying to hv my children in 2021(triplets 2boys and a girl). Divine health upon members of my family. 2021 we pray for good news, miracles, testimonies, favours, breakthroughs, more open doors . Martial settlement for my sister
  12. Thusger

    God's blessing,peace,mercy

    ..kindly recall my wife Augustina Afia Serwaa in prayers for speedy recovery. Peace unto all members in this platform
  13. Articles

    Today's Verse - 1 Corinthians 12:18-20 (KJV)

    But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him. And if they were all one member, where were the body? But now are they many members, yet but one body. —1 Corinthians 12:18-20 (KJV) Thoughts on Today's Verse... The Apostle Paul reminds us that God...
  14. Muani

    Prayer please

    Today is Sunday, our Pastor asked my son to lead the service, he didn't refuse that. Very few members , plus due to covid as well. My son needs divine touch, let's pray for him. Thani you.
  15. Juralgareor

    A promise 💯 from our God,'psalms 91-9 ...

    A promise 💯 from our God,'psalms 91-9 if you make the Most High your dwelling-even the Lord,who is my refuge-10:then no harm will befall you,no disaster will come Near your TENT.for every one who has presented their prayer request and all the members let's come to an agreement on the POWER in...
  16. Mimnenos

    In the name of our father Lord ...

    In the name of our father Lord and miracle JESUS give strength to our prayer group members .plz pray , those who are suffering from deasis,financial crisis, homeless people .
  17. Anonymous

    pray for wisdom for me and the ...

    pray for wisdom for me and the members of this site. God Bless
  18. Articles

    Today's Verse - Romans 12:4-5 (KJV)

    For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office: So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another. —Romans 12:4-5 (KJV) Thoughts on Today's Verse... An arm detached from the body is just a dead and useless body part. We belong...
  19. Skeuxis

    Financial breakthrough

    Am undergoing difficult time financially. Deep in debts accumulating to over 700,000/- Kenya shillings. please members pray for me.
  20. Towaem

    I need a divine favour of God ...

    I need a divine favour of God and blessings upon my life and I want God to protect me and every members of my families as this 2021 will want to enter now I ask for good health and prosperity upon me and my family and every york must be broken open doors, and every family barrier must be...
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