Please continue to pray for a man and his family to be saved, born again Christians, for them to get to know strong, mature believers who walk the walk with Jesus and love him wholeheartedly. Pray their media will be filled with godly programs, and they will dream or have visions of our Lord...
When the media gets on something, they cram it down your throat every minute of every day. The latest is the death of Tina Turner. Acting like shes the first person in history who died. Who cares? For them to cut short the repitition and move on.
I pray for a financial break through and a financial help I'm a Ugandan I have no job but I need to work my family and my parents they are waiting for something in Christmas time but I feel like I want to run away from home please pray for me and help me who ever is on this media God will reward...
Please pray for the charity society V.K. to raise another USD 3000 to build a warm house for homeless cats. Times are hard and people donate little, but winter is coming. Pray that this request will be spread on media and social networks and that many people and companies will donate. Thank you
Please pray that good people and companies donate at least $10,000 to the animal charity ASD. The charity has no more money to feed and treat the animals. to pay salaries and may stop working. There are 170 pets there. Pray that social networks and media spread this information. Thank you
While everyone is crying for Ukraine, let me remind you that they're no saints. In my country we have a president whose son is a drug addict, and that country was having crooked business dealings with him. So despite what the media tells you, wherever the Russians may be wrong for bullying them...
The media {and people in general} seem to focus on one or two problems, and by doing so, it appears that other problems are overlooked. But I say, you don't have to live in Ukraine to have problems, and you don't have to have covid to have problems. Some of us have OTHER problems, whether...
If these dumb sheep only realized how ridiculous they look with those idiotic looking masks on, being ruled by fear.Give it a rest already.The media says jump, they ask how high.
I wish everyone would shut up with covid already!The same subject over and over for 2 years already. They need to realize, not everyone is obsessed with it.And it's like all they know.Every little sniffle, they think it's that. Not to mention the media.Give it a break already!
I don't understand what's wrong with the media. They're still harping on covid every minute, and they don t understand that people are tired of hearing about, or I should say, having that one subject crammed down our throats every minute. WHO CARES? There's other subjects, although I'm the only...
Oh leave me alone with covid already.The media goes on and on with this extinct virus from 2 years ago. The same subject over and over. Not everyone wants to hear it, especially continously. Is the media so desperate for news that they can't think of anything else to report?
Covid is over with and everyone is tired of hearing about it. Noone even listens to that news or cares about it anymore. It's "played out." That the media realizes this, and stops beating a dead horse and talks about current subjects, not some vague virus from2 years ago. This unhealthy...
I keep seeing this PROPAGANDA from the media that this one or that one died from covid, and they greatly emphasize that they were unvaccinated. So what, vaccinated people have died tooStop blaming everything on the unvaccinated , and making them scapegoats.. When are they going to realize that...
Every time there's a downturn in covid cases, the media redoubles its efforts to publisize that it's getting "worse" instead of better.What are they afraid their main story is getting buried, and they'll have nothing else to talk about?I mean , by repeating the same thing over and over ,does it...
Tired of hearing the media with their phony alarm dictatorship tactics of coronavirus .First the masks , then the vaccines, also every time people want to have a little get together, they throw rocks at them {verbaly}. Hey, it's not NATURAL to wear masks, be blacklisted if you don't take a...
Lord please unite me with people I got separated from give me a home and get me married, release funds for me , give me victory in my cases and give me a positive word in the media , turn the every thing in my favour and defeat these mafia people who are operating against me ijmnip amen
Pray for the media when covid dies out. They'll have nothing more to report on. That's all they know or talk about is that stupid virus, and personally, I'm sick of hearing about it.The same subject over and over, and I deal with OTHER problems, so that has my focus more than some vague virus.
That the authorities and the media leave me alone about the vaciine already.Stop trying to force people, or even browbeat them already.Or blame the unvaccinated for everything.
Can you please pray that the creation of crowd-funding page finishes well for the Bible Translation Ministry ? I heavily researched the platform, worked hard to create media and now there are some minor details like this platform's bank account field that don't seem to function.
That people stop thinking like a bunch of robots and believe everything some sources like the media tell them, That they can see beyond "surface statements" and have more depth and have the depth see things for themselves, instead of robot like--and when someone like me comes along and looks...