Jesus please let my son ask questions and get help in math today..please let there not me any more mice in our house..please let my mother in law get better with her memory and remember to pay her rent. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please let my son do well on his performance today in theater class, and also do his written part. Please also let him do well in math and let his aide help him and him actually listen. Please also let my mother in law stop doing dumb things like canceling her medication deliveries, it is...
Jesus please help me be able to get up todat for my appointment after having no sleep and please let my son get help with his math and his teacher please postpone the test, or at least give him more time.. Please ler my son realize that he has got to study more and take notes, and please let him...
Academics and Finances I’m a first year student doing her math and natural sciences on non quota. When I came here I was so motivated to do my very best but after struggling with the pressure and my grades being extremely bad and I’ve been losing confidence in myself. I’ve been afraid because I...
Jesus please help me help my son figure out his math. It is so difficult. I don't see how he is going to pass this test. Please also let prices come down. We cannot afford food. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please help me help my son figure out his math. It is so difficult. I don't see how he is going to pass this test. Please also let prices come down. We cannot afford food. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Please pray for me, I wish to complete my, this coming year. My college Berean Baptist Bible college ( Bob Jones University) is taking so long to reply me. Only my thesis and a few subjects are left they called me off while I was doing my Bangalore India., in 1996 just before my...
bangalore india
bob jones university
calvary baptist bible college
college berean baptist bible college
country: india
dr marson khumalo
Lord I pray that you guide our son in his class work and test, he struggles in math and reading and we pray Lord for healing of his mind and understanding. I Pray Lord that you give him strength and confidence threw you. Lord I continue to pray for our sons healing of dyslexia and Lord if it's...
Jesus please help my friend she can't get into her computer for her job and no one is helping her. Please also help my son with his math final. He didn't study enough and I am worried he won't stay awake. Please help him. Thank you for letting me hear from my mother in law. Please let my husband...
Jesus please let my son somehow pass his final exam in Math tomorrow/Friday. Fill him with knowledge and help him stay awake. Let him realize I am just trying to help him and help me have more patience. Please also help my husband be able to get his car fixed (windshield) and let us somehow get...
Jesus please let the bank cash my husband's check tomorrow with no problems. Please also let my son study for Math and go to bed early and stay awake in school. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please let my son be ok at school today and do well on his testing and let his knee be ok he said it was bothering him when he got up today. Please also let his teacher help him with Math. Please let us figure this mess out today with my mother in law. She needs so much help with so many...
I'm Prachee Baliar Singh. I'm appearing my second exam of class 10 final board Tomorrow which is Math. It's a Hard Subject for me but I do believe JESUS will help me out. Please Pray for me. To secure good marks
Jesus thank you for my son's doctor appointment going well today, but please let my son's doctor fix the issue with his prescription and my son pay attention in school today. Please help me figure out Math so I can help him and let him realize he has to do more in school. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please let my son be ok at school today. Please let him remember everything he has to do and redo his quiz in Math to bring up his grade. Please also let my husband do what he is supposed to and not take out any advances on his paycheck. Thank you Jesus, Amen.