I want God to heal my brother of rhabdomyosarcoma. I want him to put to nothing the doctors report and that the mass and pain that he can see and feel, he will find it and not see it again.I want God to help him carry his evidence and give his testimony before the end of this year. I also want...
Pls heal my sister from the mass found in her ovaries and also ascites. Total healing In Jesus name. I am praying for a miracle. Oh! Lord please answer our prayers
My pet rats need healing now! The 2 of them have huge tumors, and if they don't go away soon they could open or we would have to put them to sleep possibly this Thursday. Please pray that the tumors or mass with disappear by tomorrow. Rats are a beautiful creation and deserve healing too!
I need all the prayers I can get right now, please. My Dad is in the hospital for a number of reasons, but they found a mass on his lung that they're going to biopsy (maybe tomorrow) and hopefully find it to be nothing major. If anyone who has an extra minute can pray for David to be healed, it...
I am in a lot of pain from the mass in my neck. I am taking motrin and tylenol all the time. Please pray for God to heal me and take away the pain and the mass. Thank you
Praise the Lord. We Pinaki Mandal, Rupa Mandal (Wife) & Pritam Mandal (Son). Please pray for us to get out from debts fast, as we have no way to payoff all the loans, but we believe in almighty God, who will open the door. Please pray for our only son Pritam Mandal, who not attend the Mass, not...
Today is the day I go for an MRI procedure to find out what the mass near my baby placenta is. Please pray that no mass be found and that it is not cancerous or a molar pregnancy. Praying for a miracle and leaving it in God's hands.
Please keep my unborn baby and I in your prayers. I am 17 weeks and after receiving a ultrasound doctor said I have a mass which could be a molar pregnancy which would put my life and baby at risk or it could be a hematoma. Prayers that it is nothing serious and not cancerous or a molar...
Good morning sir, l went for a city scan few days ago to check the mass they saw at my left lungs and the results shows that there is cancer at the left lungs. Sir lift me up in prayers that die and never return in Jesus Name.
Heavenly Father please cure my daughter in law, she had undergone treatment after removing uterus last year now a mass is formed in her abdomen that is to be removed, please have mercy on us🙏
In the homily of the priest today in the mass I heard online, the priest said " unless you bring your poverty to God, no miracle will happen",,, Lord God, I am bringing you now my poverty,,, please take my family out of this deep pit of debts,,, I pray this in the name of Jesus,, Amen...
My mom has a mass on her left breast. She never told anyone out of fear. She finally had to go to the ER 2 weeks ago and they did not give us much hope that it wasn't cancer and even said it may have spread to her bones which we are praying that that is 100% not the case. The first biopsy she...
My sister did have a mass in her colon, they are doing surgery Monday , please pray that all goes well during and after her surgery. I pray that God heals her body and brings her closer to Him through this trial. Thank you and God bless all of you that pray.
My sister Sharlene needs prayer! She's in the hospital and they think it's a mass in her colon and they are checking her liver. Please pray for her to be ok.
My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer a few months ago. They removed the mass but she refused chemo. They rechecked her recently and her entire right brest is full of cancer. I am trying to convince her to listen to the doctor and get the mastectomy and the recommended treatment to save her...