Prayer request for my son seven. He decided on going back to in person school. I had to talk to him after he decided to go back to in person school. He had terrible anxiety about wearing masks full day in school. He still has terrible anxiety about vaxxxines now. He doesn't trust vaxxxines or...
Extra efficient in the school today as a teacher.
Please also let my pupils be very obedient and all ware properly masks.
And also all other pupils from other classes.
There is a new law that pupils and teachers must ware masks all the time in the school.
Pupils are often rebelliious and to...
Requesting prayers for all my Sunday School Class that a lot of children will come in to hear Gods word explained clearly and that those little souls will give themselves to Jesus. All of them will be wearing their masks on and wash their hands. Distance six feet between each other. O Lord...
Tired of hearing the media with their phony alarm dictatorship tactics of coronavirus .First the masks , then the vaccines, also every time people want to have a little get together, they throw rocks at them {verbaly}. Hey, it's not NATURAL to wear masks, be blacklisted if you don't take a...
I don't care about masks , vaccines, coronavirus, the Delta variant, so I wish everyone would SHUT UP ALREADY talking constantly about the one subject. Some of us are sick of it. Show me you could talk about other things--or am I the only person in the world who CAN talk about other...
To show you what baloney people these obsessed covid people arer, they're stilll forcing everyone to wear masks, and the signs say, "regardless of vaccination status." The dictatorship never ends. First covid rules, then 666. Wait and see.
Please pray for our school district. Please pray that the school board does not mandate masks. Please pray that our children do not have to be masked at school. It is detrimental to them. I’m asking all these prayers in Jesus Christ’s sweet name I pray. Amen.
Please wear masks. I have lost 5 people this year. One church member, one member of the church I used to go, my hair client who was unvaccinated, my father, and one person who had cancer. Get vaccinated. It's so sad to lose loved ones.
Jesus please let my son stop being so lazy and get his own food and things he needs. He cannot keep using me like this. He is old enough to do for himself and I am not in good health. You teach us to help ourselves and I have tried to teach him that too and he won't listen. Please also let him...
When David went out to fight Goliath, when he was offered armor, he said, "Not with sword nor shield but with the power of God ."Translated today,"Not with masks and vaccinations, but with the power of God am I protected from coronavirus."
Jesus please help me I can't deal with this insanity anymore of masks and vaccines. Now my son has ro wear a mask in school again this year. This is not fair. His entire middle school experience has been nothing but Covid. Please end this. These kids don't deserve this. And I am terrified that...
Jesus please let don't let us have to wear masks again. Please let the government stop trying to make us afraid. Please let my husband be ok at his job and let him go to his dentist appointment tomorrow. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please let my husband be ok at work tonight and please let him remember to go to his dentist apartment tomorrow and the doctor not judge him and there not be any problems because I have to go there this week too. Thank you for my sister resolving money situation with her coworker. Also...
Jesus convict my sister's co-worker and let her pay her back. It is not right. Please also let the truth be found out about the virus and do NOT let vaccine be mandatory in US, nor make us have to go back to masks or lockdowns. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please let those involved in the pandemic be found out and punished. Please let it go away for good. I cannot handle another lockdown or back to wearing masks. I also can't put my son through that with school. Please also let my husband give me money we agreed upon for the bills and rent...
The pressure to get everybody to get the vaccines, wear masks, lockdowns I definately say is more of a control thing and a "practice run" towards the mark of the beast. Don't be gullible. "And all the earth followed after the beast, THE NAME OF NOT ONE WHO STANDS WRITTEN IN THE LAMBS BOOK OF...
This move to blacklist those who dont get the vaccine wear masks etc sounding more and more like a leadup to the m a rk of the beast cant buy or sell without it.Like to get people in that mindset.And Im far from the only one who holds that viewpoint.More Christians are starting to say that.
This is a patriotic holiday, and I will enjoy it as such, not to be hampered by left wing radicals protesting this country, or by scaredy cat hypochondriacs being restrictive by wearing masks.