My name is Martha. I need prayers. Everything seems to be going bad for me. I could never get a new job. Never found happiness. I keep having these recurrent nightmares. Is like the devil is attacking me constantly. I’m so depressed due to my failed attempts at finding a better job. I’m swamped...
My name is Martha. Please, pray this negative thoughts leave my mind and also pray for the health of my eyes. I have had blurred vision for a while now and I can’t see very well in the dark night. Please, Pray for protection for my eyes health and eyesight. Thank you all.
My name is Martha and I noticed I seem to have an allergic reaction on my scalp and face. I think is because I have been sleeping with my new puppy since we bought her on February. I think I’m allergic to her fur because I just noticed some red, itchy patches on my left cheek and also my whole...
My name is Martha and I have noticed some days I don’t urinate a lot. I think I have a urinary tract infection. Please, pray my bladder and kidneys are healed and the feeling of urinating goes back to normal and I can empty my bladder completely.
My name is Martha and I’m feeling a tiny bit itchy and weak after I took my allergy medicine along with some coffee. Please, pray this weakness and itchiness and ill feeling goes away. Thank you all.
My name is Martha. I was walking outside and I crashed against a spider web on my garage and a small piece of a web seems to have entered my right eye. I rinsed it well but my eye still feels strange and irritated. Please, pray if there is still some of this inside my eye to come out and my eye...
My name is Martha and I need prayers for a new job. My present job is too demanding and they never gave me a promotion. I'm sick of doing the same type of job for the past 20 years. Please, pray for me. Also pray for my health. I have been feeling very tired and depressed lately. Thank you all.
My name is Martha and I’m Always chocking on food lately. Is like a little bit of food goes to the windpipe sometimes. Like, Today I was eating chicken and rice and I chocked a bit on that food and now my throat feels a bit funny and it’s itchy, it feels as if I have the need to cough. Please...
I’m Martha and I’m always chocking on food lately. Today I was eating some raisins and chocked on them and now there is a funny feeling in my throat. Please, pray that if something is stuck on my throat that it clears and my frequent chocking problem is healed.
I’m Martha. I have blurred vision and many visible red veins on the white of my eyes. Please, pray the root cause of my blurriness and red veins on my eyes is healed and my vision is restored and the whites of my eyes go back to normal. I’m concerned about my vision. Thank you all.
I’m Martha. I’m very tired mentally. I have not sleep well the past three days. I feel like I’m too anxious all the time. Please, pray these anxiety feeling goes away. I need rest but I can’t because everyone depends on me. Please pray I feel better mentally. I also need a new job soon that...
Dear members. My name is Martha and I need prayers. I have issues with my jaw. It clicks every time I open my mouth, when I yawn and even when I talk. Because of my clicking jaw it’s hard to chew meat, chips or any chewy foods. I don’t have dental insurance and can’t afford to go get my jaw...
I’m Martha and I’m feeling so depressed. Hate my job. Don’t like what I do anymore. I need prayers. I want to quit my job but I need a new one first. Need God to show me what to do.
My name is Martha. I’m always sighing. I’m also anxious all the time. I’m also extremely sad. I have been crying a lot. I feel depressed about not finding a new job and not being able to quit my present job which I hate. I feel so lost and so lonely. I wonder if God and Jesus hear my prayers 😭...
My name is Martha. I keep sighing all morning. I think I suffer from temporary asthma and I suffer from anxiety. My job is too stressful. I need this sighing and anxiety to stop. I also need prayers for me to find a new job. Please, pray for me. Thank you all.
My name is Martha and I just noticed some fine red veins on the white of both of my eyes that were not there yesteday. I know is due to either seasonal allergies or maybe age I don't know. Please, please, pray these red veins go away. Thank you all.
I’m Martha and I have been feeling weak and dizzy since yesterday after taking some probiotics. Please, please pray this weakness and dizziness go away I have to work today. Thank you all.