I’m Martha. Today I was helping my daughter unscrew her smoothie from the blender cause it got stuck I felt a gush of air hitting my eye but then I realized maybe a particle of the plastic went into my eyes. Please, pray whatever particle of plastic or whatever it is that I’m feeling in my eyes...
My name is Martha. I was helping my daughter unscrew her smoothie and it feel like a fish of air but after a few minutes it felt as if something like a little particle went into my eyes. Please, Pray the blood of Jesus washes off all dangerous particles or whatever it is that went into my eyes...
I am keinembabazi Martha, I request to bePrayed for being shortlisted for the job of Assistant Operations Officer -Air side services. I have dropped my application today and they need 16 people. Pray for me to be among the short listed. Thanks and God bless
I’m Martha. I’m having bad diarrhea. Please, pray it is resolved as I’m working today and I can’t keep running to the restroom or I will get fired. Pray for my entire digestive system. I don’t know what’s wrong with me lately. I either get constipated or get diarrhea. Thank you all.
Greatings I Martha olifant I've always asking god to bless me with kids until now i saw postor TbJoshua on the tv doing some miracles prayer for people all over the world so i was hoping he is the one who can help my situation actual our situation to me and my boyfriend please postor can u pray...
I’m Martha, Please, pray for me. I’m having trouble emptying my bladder due to my lower back problems. I’m also late with my period. I’m premenopausal, Please, pray for me, pray my bladder is back to hormonal and I get my period soon. I feel so sick. thank u all
My name is Martha V. Today I helped my elder mom lift a very heavy pot full of chicken soup and now the left side of my neck and my lower back is hurting. Please, pray my neck pain and my lower back pain go away. I truly need healing prayers. Many bad things have happened to me lately.
My name is Martha and in need urgent prayers. I suffer from hemorrhoids and lately when I go to the bathroom I have difficulty having a bowel movement and because of it now every time I sit down to pee I feel as if I had to pass some gas or still bit nothing comes out. Please, pray my rectum and...
I’m Martha. My mom is a hoarder and she saved so much stuff in my house for 25 years and I had to help her get rid of some of it. I’m exhausted and have not even set up my christmas tree yet. Please, pray for me as I feel a bit dizzy and tired and have anxiety and feel depressed. Pray for my...
I’m Martha. My mom is a hoarder and she saved so much stuff in my house for 25 years and I had to help her get rid of some of it. I’m exhausted and have not even set up my christmas tree yet. Please, pray for me as I feel a bit dizzy and tired and have anxiety and feel depressed. Pray for my...
I’m Martha. My lower lip keeps getting cracked and it peels. Please, pray it is healed. It worries me. Also, does anyone know why my lip keeps Cracking, is it a lack of vitamins, lack of water? Does anyone know of a good remedy that cures chapped lips? Please, pray for me and advise. Thank you.
I’m Martha. I’m still having a bit of dizziness due the unsuccessful ear lavage I had two days ago, the wax is still on my left ear. Please, pray this dizziness is resolved. I beg you all to pray for me. Thank you.
Hi, I’m not sure if this person name Martha is still living/ existing at the moment, if so, anyone willing to pray that she gets healed from the life-threatening cancer and saved please? Thank you.