many others

  1. Shathesca

    Extended Peace---Peace with all of us who ...

    Extended Peace---Peace with all of us who pray together. So many supporters of prayer and affirmations of encouragement. Many months have passed in emotional pain and sorrow. I've talked with God on so many late nights. I've cried in gut wrenching pain from the loss of my mother to my wife who...
  2. Brother in Christ (JC)

    Truth and Justice Prevails! God is Great!

    JUDGE DECLARES THE LIBERAL GOVERNMENT USE OF EMERGENCY POWERS AGAINST THE CANADIAN TRUCKER CONVOY, WAS ILLEGAL, UNREASONABLE, AND UNCONSTITUTIONAL Now, hundreds of victims and truckers who had their bank account seized — can seek legal action against the government. I and many others have...
  3. Akyrexia

    Help me thank God for successfully seeing ...

    Help me thank God for successfully seeing me through my LLM program and a successful graduation. I also want to thank God for the job opportunity he has given me which I am to start February. I pray he touches the heart of my employer to love ,favour and open more doors opportunities for me. I...
  4. Righbal

    Please pray for Me

    I'm Art from KC. The devil has been in my life for 13 years. It's Horrible what it's done/doing to me. I pray constantly and so do many others, including a priest from Prague. My life is terrible, and I'm at the point where I Have to make major changes, but What am I supposed to do. God just HAS...
  5. Wesaelessa

    THANK YOU to everyone on the Day ...

    THANK YOU to everyone on the Day Star Prayer Team that prays over all the requests that come through daily. We appreciate you. We ask the Lord to bless you as you give of yourselves in prayer for so many others. May your needs be met in every area, that you be blessed with every spiritual...
  6. Fallyn

    Healing of Covid vaccine injury

    Hello I just want to ask for prayers that I will be healed from the injury from the Covid vaccination. I got one dose j&j and it has completely ruined my life!! Amongst many others I’m having several issues, I couldn’t even make a list of what I experience on a daily basis because I would be...
  7. Sadieprettylady

    Heavenly father. Please please send me a ...

    Heavenly father. Please please send me a fleece. A sign that you still love me as much as I love you and that you will. I cannot do this in my own strength but I love you very much and I don't understand why you abandon me. I'm legion and I cannot do this in my own strength. I need your strength...
  8. Anonymous

    Dear Heavenly Father, We pray to you ...

    Dear Heavenly Father, We pray to you today again for D’Angelo Russell. There has been a lot going on with him regarding his future in LA, along with his rocky relationship with LeBron James. We pray that you return him back to allstar form, even better than he ever has been. We don’t know what...
  9. Lyepor

    miracles in 2024

    I pray for miracles for myself and many others in terms of healing and stepping into enjoying life as we have never seen it before
  10. Anonymous

    Thanks to all of the prayer warriors. ...

    Thanks to all of the prayer warriors. Articles, the Encourager, Brother in Christ, Saraha and so many others. God bless you all. We are all in this together. Please make sure to pray over everything: ourselves, children, friends, relatives . May we bless our food, homes, vehicles, workplaces and...
  11. Garkunir

    Financial breakthrough and freedom from jealous witches.

    Kindly take time to pray for me this week 26/11/2023-3/12/2023 to plead for God's Divine Mercy upon my life so that He can accept to release his hand of war to fight for me a persistent Battle against stubborn jealous witches human spirits that have tormented me for the past more than ten years...
  12. Anonymous

    Feeling selfish asking for prayer with so ...

    Feeling selfish asking for prayer with so many others with needs that exceeds mine...World is askew...horrible world is upside down, too. I am afraid to pray. It seem what I pray for get answered in ways that make things worse than when I prayed. I keep wondering if god is...
  13. Shatox

    Heal me Lord. Remove the cancer from ...

    Heal me Lord. Remove the cancer from my body, and the arthitus from my neck causing me headaches. I trust in you Jesus, make my paths straight and strengthen me Lord, And also strengthen the many others that come to this website for prayer. In Jesus name I pray Amen..
  14. Koxfen

    Lord thank you for my life please ...

    Lord thank you for my life please help me get through the struggles am undergoing financially. I pray for open doors even to many others who are undergoing the same. Amen
  15. Wendy Foss

    Please pray for my friend Tammy

    Hello, I am asking for prayres for my friend Tammy. She has arthritus in her right knee & it is very painful & hard to get around on it. There is a lot that she wants & has to do & it is really causing her a lot of distress. Her doctor gave her a shot for it but it is not working as she had...
  16. tina430


    God, please I been begging you for years for help, for even a sign you love my son & I like so many others I see everyday. I pray daily for the simplest things others get to take for granted daily. I need you know you are there please. Please
  17. sharonjoan

    prayers for me to be able to ...

    prayers for me to be able to keep my 89 year old mom in her own home getting ruff to deal with repairs of her home but i am trying she thank goodness is in better health then my self so it makes it ruff on me to keep up with her needs and wants but i pray that i can keep her in her home she...
  18. Aedinn

    Aunt in need of prayers

    My Aunt Beth, needs intervention in her life. Healing of her mind, peace in her heart. Healing of her body. God, please send your Angels to her with great speed. Archangel Michael, be her defender, Archangel Raphael be her guide and healer. Lord God, cover her with your grace, Jesus give her...
  19. Tecuriarh

    God deliver me from spiritual wife. Eating ...

    God deliver me from spiritual wife. Eating in the dream and many others.
  20. Ascliare

    Lord Jesus please help with A. and ...

    Lord Jesus please help with A. and please grant strong protection, deliverance, healing, salvation (those not saved) and guidance. Also please multiply my prayer for us so that many others in need also benefit. May you be glorified Lord. Amen.
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