many churches

  1. Articles

    Today's Verse - Acts 13:3 (KJV)

    And when they had fasted and prayed, and laid their hands on them, they sent them away. —Acts 13:3 (KJV) Thoughts on Today's Verse... While fasting is not widely practiced in many churches today, it was clearly something that was a part of the early church experience. Whether sponsored by our...
  2. Kolodioth


    Dear Lord, My cousin's daughter is violating your commandments in one particular area. She has a medical condition that makes me wonder if she felt like an outsider + so gravitated to outsiders. Who knows-only you do. My cousin was not surprised-I guess she sensed it all along. This young...
  3. Yoneman

    I'm addicted to masturbation I have fasted ...

    I'm addicted to masturbation I have fasted and prayed also gone for many churches for deliverance but all to be no avail each day I maturbate, I fill like to kill myself because I'm no more enjoying it. I'm also suffering from disease like staphylococcus I have spent all my money on medication...
  4. Axriltha

    Dear Man Of God, Am from Nigeria ...

    Dear Man Of God, Am from Nigeria Base now In Cameroon please man of God pray for me for healing & Deliverance am having this problem of spiritual heardeck an some time something will be working on my head like snakes,i have gone to Manny churches but no avail pass 11 months now i need your...
  5. Ladoen

    Mr Ibingha Eyaba

    Brethren in the Lord Pls, help me pray against this wicked people, last year December 20 I lost my elder sister who is the bread winner of the family, and on the 22 I had accident which God rescue me, on Same 22 December this year I had another accident and many Churches are saying the wicked is...
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