many churches

  1. Goghysk

    Please pray that God will Bring Godly people into my life.

    I think, where I work, there is a lot of false Christianity. Now days, there seems to be a mix of new age in many Churches. I think one of the reasons why I feel so alone is because those around me, at work, are mixed up in some kind of new age thought patterns. Not long ago, I spoke to two...
  2. Phronemeo

    Please Pray

    I know prayer is powerful. I know we can win wars with prayers. This is why I am sending this prayer request to as many churches as possible. My grandpa, the only man I ever trusted, the only man I ever felt safe around, the kindest man I know (other than Jesus). He has dementia, it is getting...

    Encountered Messiah

    Thank you very much brothers and sisters for knowing my prayer request and all of you diligently, fervently and earnestly praying to Abba father through His Son Jesus our savior. Yesterday I was stuck with an issue for more than 3 hours and disturbed returned back from church and was about to...
  4. Dexter2020

    Thank Jesus for showing me the truth and what does the gospel means

    Thank Jesus for showing me the truth although I have been to many churches but those just treat God place as Business entities. My current church although we had little but and don't work on tithes but it is more than anyone could ask for because the main aim is not about treating God place as...
  5. Anonymous

    Please pray and stand in warfare with me

    I've had an attempt on my life again, the enemy wants me dead. Please pray for my safety and for healing and deliverance from his attacks and murderous attempts on my life. I've been to many churches for help but none could help me. I'm being persecuted. Please pray for strength and Jesus His...
  6. Methtaneareth


    Since I don't have a job now I don't have the money to buy me and my family groceries. We are in desperate need of food. My husband and my son take medicine regularly and need to eat food before taking their medication. My son has moderate ADHD and my husband has health issues. Many churches...
  7. Taeweth

    PLEASE PRAY Dear Lord, we ask that ...

    PLEASE PRAY Dear Lord, we ask that You would be near to our brothers and sisters in Algeria. We pray for all converts. As they grow in the ways of Christ, keep them safe from harm and encourage them even as they endure pressure and discrimination. We pray especially for church leaders, God, as...
  8. Taeweth

    PLEASE PRAY Dear Lord, we ask that ...

    PLEASE PRAY Dear Lord, we ask that You would be near to our brothers and sisters in Algeria. We pray for all converts. As they grow in the ways of Christ, keep them safe from harm and encourage them even as they endure pressure and discrimination. We pray especially for church leaders, God, as...
  9. Taeweth

    PLEASE PRAY Dear Lord, we ask that ...

    PLEASE PRAY Dear Lord, we ask that You would be near to our brothers and sisters in Algeria. We pray for all converts. As they grow in the ways of Christ, keep them safe from harm and encourage them even as they endure pressure and discrimination. We pray especially for church leaders, God, as...
  10. Niolage

    Pray for Manipur (india )

    Please pray for the state of Manipur. There is a war going on between two tribes . And so many churches and believers are been killed . The government is not doing anything sadly . Only God’s grace can save those people. Please pray for a divine intervention. Pray that God sends his mighty...
  11. Yulfea

    Good morning and win today,i want to ...

    Good morning and win today,i want to visit the church in April this year can i get an invitation of when to visit.Nothing is moving at all with me and the whole family and we have gone to many churhes here in Botswana but to no avail
  12. Odyralotos

    My Name is Otis Newton, am writing ...

    My Name is Otis Newton, am writing from Nigeria. Please have been to many churches in Nigeria. Known has been able to help me or put me the right course or directions...I need to know the true source of my problems, how I can be set FREE and recover back all I have lost and serve God with my...
  13. Bukisonan

    Please continue to pray for a man ...

    Please continue to pray for a man and his family for their salvation. Please pray they will have strong believers in the Lord for friends that aren’t worldly. Please pray that they will be drawn to the true gospel and good fellowship with right doctrine. It’s Sunday. There’s so many churches...
  14. Wylandadh

    Praying more people would keep the Commandments of Elohim especially the Saturday Sabbath

    10 commandments were written in stone and have not been done away with. The command that so many churches and Christians are breaking these end days is the 4th commandment which is: 4 - "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labour and do all your work, but the seventh...
  15. Wylandadh

    Praying that more Christians read the Bible and keep the Saturday Sabbath

    10 commandments were written in stone and have not been done away with. The command that so many churches and Christians are breaking these end days is the 4th commandment which is: 4 - "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labour and do all your work, but the seventh...
  16. Wylandadh

    praying more Christians keep the 10 Commandments especially the Saturday Sabbath

    10 commandments were written in stone and have not been done away with. The command that so many churches and Christians are breaking these end days is the 4th commandment which is: 4 - "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labour and do all your work, but the...
  17. Wylandadh

    praying more Christians would keep the 10 Commandments especially the Saturday Sabbath

    10 commandments were written in stone and have not been done away with. The command that so many churches and Christians are breaking these end days is the 4th commandment which is: 4 - "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labour and do all your work, but the seventh...
  18. lisat

    I am a grandmother raising 3 special ...

    I am a grandmother raising 3 special needs grandchildren and I recently got into an accident and my vehicle was left non driveable. The insurance company has denied my claim even though they were named at fault in the police report. I can not find any help to get my vehicle fixed and we have...
  19. Wylandadh

    praying more Christians would keep the 10 Commandments, especially the Saturday Sabbath

    10 commandments were written in stone and have not been done away with. The command that so many churches and Christians are breaking these end days is the 4th commandment which is: 4 - "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labour and do all your work, but the seventh...
  20. Wylandadh

    Praying more Christians would keep the 10 Commandments especially the Saturday Sabbath

    10 commandments were written in stone and have not been done away with. The command that so many churches and Christians are breaking these end days is the 4th commandment which is: 4 - "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labour and do all your work, but the seventh...
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