
  1. abundantlyblessed

    Asthma all symptoms of asthma leave my ...

    Asthma all symptoms of asthma leave my lungs whole body permanently from the roots right now in jesus christ name
  2. Anonymous

    Very urgent asthma all every symptoms of ...

    Very urgent asthma all every symptoms of asthma I was born with 44 years ago leave my lungs whole body permanently from tne roots rigjt now never ever return ever in jesus christ namess
  3. abundantlyblessed

    Very urgent asthma all symptoms of asthma ...

    Very urgent asthma all symptoms of asthma leave my lungs whole body permanently right now never ever return ever in jesus christ namess
  4. abundantlyblessed

    Very urgent asthma every all symptoms of ...

    Very urgent asthma every all symptoms of asthma oeave my lungs whole body permanently from the roots right now never ever return ever in jesus christ namess
  5. Anonymous

    Very urgent asthma every all symptoms of ...

    Very urgent asthma every all symptoms of asthma leave my lungs whe body permanently from the roots right now never return ever in jesus christ namess
  6. abundantlyblessed

    Very urgent asthma all every symptoms of ...

    Very urgent asthma all every symptoms of asthma leave my lungs whole bosun permanently from tbe roots rigjt now never ever return ever in jesus christ namess
  7. abundantlyblessed

    Asthma evert all symptoms of asthma leave ...

    Asthma evert all symptoms of asthma leave my lungs whole body permanently from tbe roots rigjt now permanently never ever to return ever in jesus christ namess
  8. abundantlyblessed

    Very very urgent asthma every all symptoms ...

    Very very urgent asthma every all symptoms of asthma I was born with 44 years ago leave my lungs whoke body permanently from tbe roots right now in jesus name never to return ever please lord in jesus christ namess
  9. Anonymous

    Asthma every all symptoms of asthma leave ...

    Asthma every all symptoms of asthma leave my lungs whoke body that I was born with 44 years ago from tne roots the roots rigjt now never ever to return ever in jesus christ namess
  10. Anonymous

    Very urgent asthma all every all symptoms ...

    Very urgent asthma all every all symptoms of asthma gone from my lungs whpke body permanently from tbe roots never ever to return ever in jesus christ namess
  11. abundantlyblessed

    Asthma all every symptoms of asthma leave ...

    Asthma all every symptoms of asthma leave my lungs whoke body permanently right now never ever to return ever in jesus namess
  12. Anonymous

    Very urgent asthma every all symptoms of ...

    Very urgent asthma every all symptoms of asthma leave my lungs whole body permanently from tne roots rigjt now never ever return ever in jesus christ namess
  13. Anonymous

    Very urgent asthma every all symptoms of ...

    Very urgent asthma every all symptoms of asthma leave leave permanently my lungs whole body permanently from the roots right now never return ever in jesus namess
  14. Anonymous

    Vert urgent asthma every all symptoms of ...

    Vert urgent asthma every all symptoms of asthma leave my whole lungs whole body permanently in every way from the roots right now never ever to return ever in jesus christ namess
  15. Anonymous

    Very very urgent asthma every all symptoms ...

    Very very urgent asthma every all symptoms of asthma leave leave my lungs whole body permanently rigjt now from the roots thst I do not need any inhalers at all right now in jesus christ namess
  16. Anonymous

    Very urgent asthma every all symptoms of ...

    Very urgent asthma every all symptoms of asthma leave my lungs whole body from the roots right now never ever return ever in jesus christ namess
  17. abundantlyblessed

    Very urgent asthma every all symptoms of ...

    Very urgent asthma every all symptoms of asthma leave my lungs whole body permanently right now never return ever in jesus christ namess
  18. abundantlyblessed

    Asthma all evert symptoms of asthma leave ...

    Asthma all evert symptoms of asthma leave my lungs whole body permanently never ever to return ever right now in jesus christ namess
  19. dcrandjr

    Please pray that my girlfriend's breathing gets ...

    Please pray that my girlfriend's breathing gets much better and she can breathe in her lungs real well. Thank you. God bless.
  20. abundantlyblessed

    I command in jesus christ namess asthma ...

    I command in jesus christ namess asthma every all symptoms of asthma that I was born with leave leave my lungs whoke body from the roots the roots permanently rigjt now never ever return ever in jesus christ namess
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