loving heavenly father

  1. Articles

    Never Leave You

    [Jesus said,] "If you love me, obey my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you. He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth." —John 14:15-17a NLT Key Thought Translators have tried to capture the essence of the Spirit's role...
  2. Parousouthion

    Dearest Most Loving HEAVENLY FATHER Bless all the ...

    Dearest Most Loving HEAVENLY FATHER Bless all the poor of this world with sufficiency, good health and happiness. Heal all the sick and grant them healthy and happy long lives. In Dearest JESUS’ Name and with assistance of the loving HOLY SPIRIT, I pray.
  3. Domtach

    Loving heavenly father, I come into ur ...

    Loving heavenly father, I come into ur presence... let the holy spirit guide us in a righteous path. My sister has lump on her right breast, we are waiting for medical reports and it should be negative lord.... pls lord help us to come out of it... we are worried lord.. let ur shine glow on...
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