loving father

  1. Wylandadh

    fear of the Lord Psalm 19.23

    The fear of the Lord tends to life, and he that has it will remain satisfied, he shall not be visited with evil. Please pray that I have a healthy relationship with Elohim as a child does to a strict but loving Father, that me and my family love, trust, honour obey and fear God as we should. We...
  2. Wylandadh

    fear of the Lord Psalm 19.23

    The fear of the Lord tends to life, and he that has it will remain satisfied, he shall not be visited with evil. Please pray that I have a healthy relationship with Elohim as a child does to a strict but loving Father, that me and my family love, trust, honour obey and fear God as we should. We...
  3. Wylandadh

    fear of the Lord 19.23

    The fear of the Lord tends to life, and he that has it will remain satisfied, he shall not be visited with evil. Please pray that I have a healthy relationship with Elohim as a child does to a strict but loving Father, that me and my family love, trust, honour obey and fear God as we should. We...
  4. Wylandadh

    fear of the Lord Psalm 19.23

    The fear of the Lord tends to life, and he that has it will remain satisfied, he shall not be visited with evil. Please pray that I have a healthy relationship with Elohim as a child does to a strict but loving Father, that me and my family love, trust, honour obey and fear God as we should. We...
  5. Wylandadh

    fear of the Lord Psalm 19.23

    The fear of the Lord tends to life, and he that has it will remain satisfied, he shall not be visited with evil. Please pray that I have a healthy relationship with Elohim as a child does to a strict but loving Father, that me and my family love, trust, honour obey and fear God as we should. We...
  6. Wylandadh

    Fear of the Lord Psalm 19.23

    The fear of the Lord tends to life, and he that has it will remain satisfied, he shall not be visited with evil. Please pray that I have a healthy relationship with Elohim as a child does to a strict but loving Father, that me and my family love, trust, honour obey and fear God as we should. We...
  7. Wylandadh

    Fear of the Lord Psalm 19.23

    The fear of the Lord tends to life, and he that has it will remain satisfied, he shall not be visited with evil. Please pray that I have a healthy relationship with Elohim as a child does to a strict but loving Father, that me and my family love, trust, honour obey and fear God as we should. We...
  8. Wylandadh

    fear of the Lord Psalm 19.23

    The fear of the Lord tends to life, and he that has it will remain satisfied, he shall not be visited with evil. Please pray that I have a healthy relationship with Elohim as a child does to a strict but loving Father, that me and my family love, trust, honour obey and fear God as we should. We...
  9. Wylandadh

    fear of the Lord Psalm 19.23

    The fear of the Lord tends to life, and he that has it will remain satisfied, he shall not be visited with evil. Please pray that I have a healthy relationship with Elohim as a child does to a strict but loving Father, that me and my family love, trust, honour obey and fear God as we should. We...
  10. Wylandadh

    fear of the Lord Psalm 19.23

    The fear of the Lord tends to life, and he that has it will remain satisfied, he shall not be visited with evil. Please pray that I have a healthy relationship with Elohim as a child does to a strict but loving Father, that me and my family love, trust, honour obey and fear God as we should. We...
  11. Wylandadh

    fear of the Lord Psalm 19.23

    The fear of the Lord tends to life, and he that has it will remain satisfied, he shall not be visited with evil. Please pray that I have a healthy relationship with Elohim as a child does to a strict but loving Father, that me and my family love, trust, honour obey and fear God as we should. We...
  12. Wylandadh

    fear of the Lord Psalm 19.23

    The fear of the Lord tends to life, and he that has it will remain satisfied, he shall not be visited with evil. Please pray that I have a healthy relationship with Elohim as a child does to a strict but loving Father, that me and my family love, trust, honour obey and fear God as we should. We...
  13. Wylandadh

    Fear of the Lord Psalm 19.23

    The fear of the Lord tends to life, and he that has it will remain satisfied, he shall not be visited with evil. Please pray that I have a healthy relationship with Elohim as a child does to a strict but loving Father, that me and my family love, trust, honour obey and fear God as we should. We...
  14. Articles

    Today's Verse - Romans 3:23-24 (KJV)

    For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: —Romans 3:23-24 (KJV) Thoughts on Today's Verse... "I blew it!" Come to think of it, we've all blown it! We don't measure up. We're not divine. We might...
  15. Wylandadh

    fear of the Lord Psalm 19.23

    The fear of the Lord tends to life, and he that has it will remain satisfied, he shall not be visited with evil. Please pray that I have a healthy relationship with Elohim as a child does to a strict but loving Father, that me and my family love, trust, honour obey and fear God as we should. We...
  16. Wylandadh

    fear of the Lord psalm 19.23

    The fear of the Lord tends to life, and he that has it will remain satisfied, he shall not be visited with evil. Please pray that I have a healthy relationship with Elohim as a child does to a strict but loving Father, that me and my family love, trust, honour obey and fear God as we should. We...
  17. Wylandadh

    fear of the Lord 19.23

    The fear of the Lord tends to life, and he that has it will remain satisfied, he shall not be visited with evil. Please pray that I have a healthy relationship with Elohim as a child does to a strict but loving Father, that me and my family love, trust, honour obey and fear God as we should. We...
  18. Wylandadh

    fear of the Lord Psalm 19.23

    The fear of the Lord tends to life, and he that has it will remain satisfied, he shall not be visited with evil. Please pray that I have a healthy relationship with Elohim as a child does to a strict but loving Father, that me and my family love, trust, honour obey and fear God as we should. We...
  19. Wylandadh

    fear of the Lord Psalm 19.33

    The fear of the Lord tends to life, and he that has it will remain satisfied, he shall not be visited with evil. Please pray that I have a healthy relationship with Elohim as a child does to a strict but loving Father, that me and my family love, trust, honour obey and fear God as we should. We...
  20. Kokkysso

    Dear LORD JESUS No one can fix ...

    Dear LORD JESUS No one can fix the life.of my children except you pls help them keep them under your wings, YOU are our shield & protector forever greatful to you loving Father ... amen we trust you ...
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