I lied about a few things recently and I am so distraught about it. Please pray I stop doing this and I follow the lord's example 🙏 amen and thank you!
i want joy an dpeace and the love of the Lor din my home. please pray no one bullies me ever again. pleas epray fo rmy grandma to be fully healed of all her bed of illness. Lord heal my mothers and dad and brother wife and baby ont he way be healthy.please dleiver my whole family form the devil...
We need a new phone ours is briken Lor dpelase giv eus a new phoen also woudl liek a smart phone beside a manual phoen so i cnface tiem peopel havent seen my da din years. woul. Pleas elOrd supply all our needs.give allpoepel wisdom and may all obey your holy spirit urgently. thanky ou.Please...
Lord I ask you please please bless protect and please please multiply multiply my finances my financial income savings now right now please please lord in millions millions millions just as I desire without any delay please lord more kore every day please please lird bless make me me me please...
Very very urgent no no no more poverty lack in my life in any way in jesus christ namess I ask you please please please lore bless protect and please please multiply multiply my finances my financial income savings now right now in millions millions millions millions right now without any delay...
No no no more lonleyness singleness in my life pleasd pleasd lird bless p a I really like to please please really like me really fancy me is incredibly attracted to evefy part of me will ask ask md out in lots dates treat me like a pure princess without any delay in jesus christ me and p a I...
Lord a womens hair is her crown you lird are the maker creator of all hair all things nothing nothing is impossible for you to do your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please please multiply multiply Incredibly abundantly please please lord the whole hair on my whole head please...
No no no more lonleyness singleness in my life please please lird bless p a I like to.please please really like me in every way really fancy me in every way is incredibly attracted to me in every way asks me out in lots lots dates treats ke like a pure pure princess me and p a have a divine...
All itchiness every all scalp problems leave my scalp permanently rigjt now never ever return ever rigjt now sll thin hair leave my hair permanently right now in jesus christ namess I ask you please please please lord multiply multiply multiply incredibly abundantly the whole whole hair on my...
Please pray my husband stops bullying and pressuring me. He will try to get his way and take the car away from me that I need to drive to work. Please pray for protection and peace. That the Lord's spirit will be felt b y him. I pray the peace of God over him (husband) to leave me alone. Thank you.
All every skin problems be gone permanently from my whole skin right now never ever return ever right now please please lird bless me me please with brand new brand new skin I desire without any delay total total restoration of my whole skin in every way right now without any delay in jesus...
Please pray for the Lord's protection to be over my mother and father n their law suit , and that Almighty God bring my family to His salvation , please restore my marriage, please Jesus help me at work I need help . Protect me from all evil .
I am asking you please please bless me every single part of me please lord to please please please look alot alot alot alot better please please lird thank all every single all all every filters without any filters please please lord jn sll every photograohes all every videos all every selfies...
I ask you please please please lord bless me every single part of me please lird to please please look alot alot better please please lord than all all every single all evert filters without ahy filters at all in every way every part of me every all photographes every all videos every all...
No no no more itchy scalp scalp problems in my scalp ever in jesus christ name no no more thin hair on my hair no no more being enbarrest about my hair in any way no no no more critasism about my hair ever ever again in any way ever in jesus christ namess I ask you please pleaee lird make my...
Lord lord I really like p a blessed him please lird realky realky like me in every way really realky fancy is attracted to me in every single way asks me out on dates lots lots dates treats me like a pure pure princess thanks God for me in every way our relationship is blessed in every way...
Very urgent please all.pray all itchy every all scalp.problems all thin hair every all hair scalp problems be gone from my hair scalp permanently never ever return ever right now permanently from the roots never ever to return ever in jesus christ name I ask you please please please lird...
Please pray for my niece Tori , she's having spiritual attacks like hearing voices. Please pray for her protection from the Lord . Pray also she'll come to the Lord to get saved. She has great fear , Please pray for the Lords angel to protect her with flaming swords tonight.