I ask you please please please lord remove all all fat from my whole stomach hips whole body I hate tormenting me permanently in every single way right now please please lord make my whole stomach hips incredibly incredibly flat tonned tight as I deeply desire right now always please lord in...
praise report: i praise the Lor dand testify of His healign power. The Lord Jesus Christ healed my jaw alignment teeth alignment and healed my eyes.t hank YOu Lord Jeus Chirst.please heal all who need helaign .pleas save and heall all peopel in thename oft he Lord Jesus Christ
urgent my grandma needs to be heale dof small bowel obstruciton syndrom she has trapped gases and waste. i am eternallly graetful for oyuir prayers.Lor dpleas ehelp
pleas epray that is ___________________________ is my husband that the Lord wants me to have has husband and me as wife that the Lords Spirit brign sus together soon adn if not than the LOrd makes this uper clea and that the Lord exposes conterfeits.. Lord send me my HUsabdn from you. send em...
hi i was wanting prayer for krish if thats okay.hes hurting and very suicidal atm please pray the Lords peace be with him always and open his heart to believe and be saved by God.please pray for protection mentally physically and spiritually, security and for him to experience God personally in...
Very very urgent please please all pray Lord I ask you please please please multiply multiply the whole hair please in my whole head please incredibly abundantly in every single way please lord thag there is no no spaces at all it is so so incredibly abundantly thick full please please lird make...
Lor dplease save my fmaily heal our diseases please forgive us our sins. show ous your love give us grace and mercy. i praise oyu foeevr thank oyu foeternal life. Please help me to serve you and not give into temptation. give me wisdom when dealign with fmaily. thank you
Lord pleas ehlp em do my taks. help em to repent. help me to be okay when people persecute me. help me not to back bite help me to seek YuiLord Please save me. help me to belive Lord in You. Lor dheal my grandma of dmeentia. please hela my of diabetes
"For the battle is the Lord's". (1Sam 17:47)
1. Choosing a shepherd boy, David and using a stone, God defeated giant Goliath.
2. Choosing an old man, Moses and using a staff God defeated Pharaoh and his army of 600 chariots.
3. With Almighty God on his side, Gideon and his 300 men whom God...
Lord lord please please reduce my gas bill electricity bill all my bills greatly in every way right now no no weapons formed against my finances will proposer ever the lird rebukes all every devour for my sake in jesus christ namess I ask you please please please lord bless multiply multiply my...
I ask you please please lord give me all all the right words things to say to Paul a to heal him help him comfort him council him bless him uplift him love him understand him impress him compliment him please please lore give me supernatural wisdom dicerment with my words to please please say...
Prasie the Lord praise report: thank yu Lord for helaign my facial bnboens teeth.! please remove all evil form my body and also my fmaily body too. also remove all evil form all peopels bodiee int hename of the Lord Jesus Christ. thank you Lor
Lor di want to honour you and my mother btu i dotn knwo how. i dotn want to ge tyeeled at for using the bathroom ever agian. i dotn want to use sups and stuff jsut so that she doest yell at me. pleas eits too much for me. pelase let me be abel to live a life wihtout bieng yeleld at for usign...
Lird thank you for the money I have I want to buy new homes outright with no no mortgages at all your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please bless and please please multiply multiply my finances my financial income savings now right now please please lord without any delay...
Lor dalways wanted my own husband form You.. btu hwo can this be beign i am illa nd and in my circumstacnes. i am heartbroken... jsut wanted to be happy... im gettign older... do you carea botu this?? jsut please need an anser sincerely..
Lor di cofness i failed oyu over an dover and been payivn g heavy consequences askign oyu to help me repent and returnt o YOu fully with trust that oyu really can help heal and restrore my fmialy and oru brokenbodies. Lord pleas ehal all who have been accidents and been throguh trauma.Lord you...
please God i ríy my dad di not have any accident. pelase pray he drove safely no one got hurt. i dotn think he can see well at night. Pleas epray no one was injsured.pelas eforgive me Lor dfor distractign himw ith my concerns. pelas ehave emrcy.