Lord jesus christ i need your mercy and blessings onto me plz lord grant me 3 lac rupees immediately as i need to clear my debts mylord please lord grant me immediately amen!
Shalom! As a prayer woman I seldom ask for prayers personally, but I ask you to please pray 🙏🏽 for me that I'll be able to handle the lack of like minded sisters in the LORD. And also why some has stopped being in touch without letting me know why. After all this said, may only the Lord's will...
I wish God coudl giv eme my own husband . please Lord. can i pleas ehav emy won husband form You? pleasse? please Lor dhellp me be patient. i jsut feel so down...... lonley. Lord pleas eintervene as i dont want o be bitter or frustrated... ive been waiitng a long time. Do oyu no thave a husband...
Lord thank you for the money I have savings I have benifits I have thank you lord that your words say ask ask and I will recieve I ask you please please please lird bless protect and please please multiply multiply my finances my financial income savings now right now please please lord in...
Lors streanthen every single part of me in mighty mighty power right now more more every day please let your peace that passes all human understanding rule in my mind thoughts whole body life I pray I will not not be nervous in any way please lord going dentist Friday keel me incredibly calm...
Thank u Lord, for this day, time and all ur blessings what u have been showering upon us...I'm very grateful to you my heavenly Father....i pray to u Lord that sometimes I feel very down to take some situations....i feel like that I'm stuck somewhere...or in problem but the thing is u always...
There are people who do not want to return what they have borrowed long ago. Would you all please pray for them. Jesus knows who they are and they need the Lords saving grace and mercy. O Lord, please save them and help them to return what they have borrowed. Amen
Lor dif you have a spuuse fo rme brign us otgether by your holy spirit toda yif your are willign.pelase keep him and me in your Wil and doing your will and all peopel too. have mercy on or sins.pelase redeem our lives form all destruciton.pelase save hela and prtect my fmaily form alle...
No no no more dissappoitments please pleasd lird with any photographes videos taken of me in any way form that I need to delete please lord I ask you please please lord your words say ask and I will recieve please please bless make me every single part of me please please lord look please...
Lird give my dentist all the skill to fix restore all my teeth remive all brown yellow stains from all mh teeth go white fillings all white crowns all root treatment perfectly fill in all gaps bottom teeth asap without any delay that I am happy satisfied without any delay please lord in jesus...
Pray for pain to leave my neck, back and arms. Pray for healing of nerves and muscles. Pray for the Lord's anointing to come upon me to help me to sleep. Thanks!
Lord thank you for the money I have benifits I have savings I have lord your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please lore with all my heart please bless protect and please please multiply multiply my finances my financial income savings now right now please please lird without...
Now that we have seen how the deceiver tries to manipulate even You O'LORD; take back what the devil tried to manipulate You to steal from others. The deceiver can roll all day and all night, BUT when the Holy Ghost rolls. HE'S THE HOLY ROLLER!
Come get your stuff.
In Jesus name. Amen.
Lor dif you are willign hela my fmaily and myself toda yin every way. Fight for us Lord. In the name of the Lord Jeus Chirst. also please hal my teeth and jaw and dehydration and my depression please for once make it good day, opleas ei beg you. opleas elet oyur power just be on my fmaily ina...
1Lord please let there be a financial break through in my family, 2, Lord pls see through out this my service that I shall end in joy, 3, oh lord please help me let me transfer this money out of that alat father,4, oh lord show me mercy give me the gift to see vision and hear from you lord, 5...
Please continue to pray that a man and his family will be born again Christians, and that they will draw near to the Lord in the Lord's appointed time, though I would like it to be as soon as possible. Please pray they will believe on the gospel and turn from their religion to the Lord. Please...
Urgent prayers for my family , kids and their tests today at school , May they do well , lord help Amanda be ok and healthy . Lord I’m praying for my enemies may they feel the lords love and for all my enemies who always verbally abuse me .