Please pray for me to have a brighter future
And god to bless me with a husband ans child and take away all my financial difficulties. I also want a better living environment and do not want to experience loneless again.
Thank you
I. I have ceased menstruation for 7years. 2. Loneliness. 3. Marriage (I'm not married even my nieces, Mary,Doreen and Sylvia. 4. Business. 5. Break through. 6. Family curse
Please pray for security in my life. To be free from lonliness and abandonment.
I need help as I feel so alone and unsure. I need Gods reassurance and comfort to fill all the void in my life.
I am trying hard to overcome this bitterness for unanswered prayers. I have prayed so hard along with my parents for a Godly spouse and I am turning 46 soon and have never married. I do have a wonderful kid but I know God could bring somebody that would add to our lives (not solve all my...
Please pray for me. My husband Adriano issued divorce papers and I am heartbroken and hoping he will see the light and change his ways to Gods ways. Please pray against all rejection, despair and lonliness I feel. Thankyou. In Jesus mighty name the name above all names.
Pray for Others
It’s good to pray and ask God to help you with every need, but don’t stop there. As James 5:16 tells us to pray for one another. You have the ability to help someone else reach their destiny. Prayer moves the hands that rule the world. Prayer causes the God who created the...
Type Prayer Request Here 1. I have ceased menstruation for 7years. 2. Marriage.(I'm not married. even my nieces Mary, Doreen and Sylvia are not married). 3. loneliness. 4. Family Curse. 5. Break through
Please pray healing from lonliness. Please pray for my husband Adriano who moved out over a year ago and has abandoned our marriage. Please pray healing for Adriano to come back to God and be filled with Gods love and truth. May God heal me from all the hurt from Adriano, the abandonment and...
Please pray God heal my loneliiness. My husbands abandoned me, my son has left home and my family all moved away to the country. Please pray comfort. I am desperatly lonely and just want to die
I need mighty prayers and deliverance from the evil powers of failure at the edge of breakthrough. Pray for me please. I need mighty powers of prayer and deliverance from Evil powers of rejection and loneliness and isolation.
May my brother's spirits be uplifted and his mood be improved. He needs prayers; he keeps saying how he misses our deceased parents, which I also do. Please kindly pray that God comfort him/us and bring him / us friends to overcome loneliness in such a empty home. May God bless
May my depressed brother accept to help me cut the grass. May his spirits be uplifted and his mood be improved. He badly needs prayers; he keeps saying how he misses our deceased parents, which I also do. Please kindly pray that God comfort him/us and bring him / us friends to overcome...
My depressed brother badly needs prayers; he keeps saying how he misses our deceased parents, which I also do. Please kindly pray that God comfort him/us and bring him / us friends to overcome loneliness in such a empty home. May God bless
My husband, Adriano, abandoned our marriage 12mths ago. He plays games pretending he wants the marriage than leaving again over and over no remorse from him or care. I am struggling with direction in my life and need God to please help me find purpose and meaning in my life again. Lonliness is hard.
For a great-aunt Yv whose husband has just passed away; for the funeral and for peace and comfort to overcome grief and loneliness. In Jesus Name. Amen.
My Lord, protect me Lord. Help me not to sin. You are for me. This loneliness is very unbearable. Please have mercy of me and my siblings. In Jesus name. Amen.
How many more years have to pass, for you to fix my life, Lord? I am 41 years old, with no driver's license, never been hired, single, and still living with my parents? I would like to know if you plan to fix my life anytime soon. Because I am starting to fall into sin a lot due to my...