Praise the Lord child of the living God, please kindly Whatsapp me +258876514660, I come to you like that woman before the prophet Elijah, I need your help!
Please pray for the people & dogs & animals in Ukraine. Please pray that Jesus will allow the living to escape the war & for the one's that can help put a stop to this. Thank you for your prayers
I heard a new "prediction", from someone proclaiming that the rapture would be in April5 2022 for the dead, then April 8 for the living. BUT what you must realize when looking at these "predictions" is that Jesus said,"Concerning that day noone knows the day or the hour, neither the angels in...
I need a permanent salary, i've been working for ituani since 2016 but they still pay me with allowance amount and sometimes i end up with no money at the end of month. I have a family and need to sustain our living. Lord pour your wisdom, knowledge and understanding on me to continue doing my...
Jesus, the Son of the living God, came to this world to save sinners and to show us to way to reach our eternal home in glory. I am the Door... Jesus said. to enter enter heaven. We must call on Him, day and night pray, praise and honor His holy name. His mercy and compassion will never...
Helen is in a nursing home for short term rehab. Her family has asked the facility for an update as to her release date. Please pray that they are notified soon. They need to know to plan living and care arrangements.
Please pray for my dear son who is going to give BAMS exam.As a mother I always fear that whether he is studying properly or not coz he is far away from us.But at the same time I remember that our living God will surely guide please pray for my son that he can concentrate in his studies...
Its been over a week since I asked my landlord if I could renew my lease but she has not replied. The cost of living is sky rocketing and work is unstable. I truly need her to reply, renew the lease and not increase it right now. I've always paid a week early and been quiet and responsible. I'm...
Please pray for my teenage daughter. She is so wilful and listen to no one. I think she has mental issues, what she wants she should get. She is so daring. I serve a living God and nothing is impossible with him . Lord deliver her from all the devil and evil of this world. Correct her Lord in...
Spirit of the living God fall afresh on me starting this New Year, I want to be a blessing to my boss, to all my fellow workers and those I love and care. O Lord us each one of us for your glory and honor. Open the doors of all churches so they will have revival and lost souls will come to know...
Thank you Almighty God for seeing me and my family though 2021. As we enter a new year I do not know what is in stock. But I know for certain that I serve a living and faithful God who will see me through.Glory be to God
I habe been a maid and receiving 3000rands monthly am a single mom and breadwinner to my family. The cost of leaving is high now I pray that God touch the hearts of my employers so they increase my wage.
Please pray for my mother who is suffering pain due to the dreadly cancer disease..pls pray for her to sustain life without any pain.i trust more than medicine that our living God heals her miraculously with strong faith on god.pls pray for her,I will give testimony for saving her life
prayers all will keep working out on grandson job thanks for praying with me and prayers for all that is trying to keep there jobs and make living paying bills
Today I have a trip and two deals (for the business that God gave me to make a living). Let us pray, Heavenly Father, to bless and protect me, my car and other road users (on my way to and from) in the Name of Jesus Christ! Let us pray, Heavenly Father, to bless the first deal to sell cosmetics...
1)I need a job where i can earn a living. 2) I am living in a rental room, I have a piece of land, but I have to build a house on it. I am tired of living a begging life, please pray for me to overcome this situation. God bless you
[11/4, 02:36] dann: Praise,the Living God [11/4, 02:36] dann: My names are Duncan Kitavi from Kenya.I wish to request for prayers towards worst problems I have faced at a ago been jobless lost properties my family left put in prison now been treated mental illness. Please,help in prayers and in...
[11/4, 02:36] dann: Praise,the Living God [11/4, 02:36] dann: My names are Duncan Kitavi from Kenya.I wish to request for prayers towards worst problems I have faced at a ago been jobless lost properties my family left put in prison now been treated mental illness. Please,help in prayers and in...