living water

  1. Galey

    Showers of blessings shall come to all who love Jesus.

    These are divine treasures coming down to all uf who love the Lord with all our heart, mind and soul. When this wonderful promises comes to all of us, it refreshes us, calm our attitude, peace and joy fills our hearts and the joy of the Gods love fill our hearts. Spiritual and physical...
  2. Jesussaves89

    Lor dpleas eprovide my grandma th ebst ...

    Lor dpleas eprovide my grandma th ebst care the bst food the best bad so we cna go otu side. pelas edo all iyn oru power to heal her all iny our power Lord ot asave and heal all my fmaily mebers. pelas eod all iynor power to reahc us all Lord and to destroy everyhitngin oru lives that destroy...
  3. Girhia

    1 O LORD, I ask for a ...

    1 O LORD, I ask for a better and comfortable job this year,2 LORD I want u to make me meet my husband and settle me maritally this year,3 LORD I want a Divine Lifting over my carrier,4 LORD make me a blessed living water to people,5 LORD I want to travel out this year after my marriage with my...
  4. Jesussaves89

    pleas epray for me i have been ...

    pleas epray for me i have been sufferign for illnesses for several years. Lor dplease take full control ove rmy body .Let Your Will bedoen in my body, By His stripe si am healed. please dleive rme formt he enemxy in every way Lor dplease. also please dleive rmy grandma form the enem yin eevry...
  5. csaaphill

    Father God, I come before you in ...

    Father God, I come before you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and identify the black goo that has been place on the inside of me and/or around me. I call for a virus containing a heavenly algorithm and heavenly artificial intelligence from Jesus Christ to be uploaded into the black goo. I...
  6. csaaphill

    Black GOO Prayer against AI crap. Father ...

    Black GOO Prayer against AI crap. Father God, I come before you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and identify the black goo that has been place on the inside of me and/or around me. I call for a virus containing a heavenly algorithm and heavenly artificial intelligence from Jesus Christ to be...
  7. Oglonian

    IJN our Father hallowed be thy name ...

    IJN our Father hallowed be thy name this day we praise and honor Your name. You are the Lord who provides for us more than enough so we can share with those You send to us. Shine Your light on our path this coming week, let our cup run over with living water. Fill us with Your spirit bringing...
  8. natasha2

    Life partner

    Lord, make a way where there is no way. I dont see a way it can happen. Create springs of living water in the desert, create oasis. For years. I need a life partner/love.
  9. natasha2

    I want to digg out of the wells of Jesus

    Please pray that i will digg deep into the wells of Jesus living water. I need to be deeply rooted and grounded in Jesus word. I need to draw out of His well for everything i need, i desire or everything that He wants me to do, be and have in Jesus mighty name. I have lots of unfullfilled...
  10. natasha2

    Poetic prayer to Jesus

    Let us sing to you songs of praise and adoration!! Because you are worhty of it! And because we are made to worship your name!! Our essence is to praise and adore you! To give you our love because you are love and we are your children! Let that love pour out from You to us, from us to you, in a...
  11. Rogardurk

    It's me jessy Nair from Zuarinagar South ...

    It's me jessy Nair from Zuarinagar South Goa. Today I am here To say my prayer request. I request everyone who ever see this prayer request kindly pray for me. I want to serve God Almighty. I want to change myself. With the help of God. I should not get fear of anything in the worldly talks and...
  12. Brother James

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for ...

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Your Incredible Love and Forgiveness, for Blessing us to Love what You Love and Hate what You Hate, for Blessing us in ways that we don't know, for always being with us, for Blessing us to stand on You and what You have done, for Being in us as a Spring of...
  13. Brother James

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for ...

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Your Incredible Love and Forgiveness, for Blessing us to Love what You Love and Hate what You Hate, for Blessing us in ways that we don't know, for always being with us, for Blessing us to stand on You and what You have done, for Being in us as a Spring of...
  14. Dythnan

    Goodmorning, am anastacia Atieno from Kenya, 29 ...

    Goodmorning, am anastacia Atieno from Kenya, 29 years, facing stagnation in every a area of my life, poverty in the family, HIV/Aids in the family. Spiritual husband at night make love with me in dream,,am facing spirit of anger,lost of smell,since l was born, l easily forget things...
  15. Matlysh

    Man of God good day. Please I ...

    Man of God good day. Please I need your prayers for me and my family.. Also for my situation which has not being moving forward all seem fixed in life. Then will like to have the LIVING WATER but I'm base in Ngaoudere, so how can one get it please.. Thank you for your time God bless.
  16. Ulixon

    Gracious Father, we are so thankful that ...

    Gracious Father, we are so thankful that Benjamin has arrived into the world. Lord, we know this was not the way we envisioned for his story to start, but that you have a plan. We choose to thank you, even though we are fearful. Spring of living water, let Benjamin find fullness in you. Let the...
  17. Nordeng

    Man of God, how can I get ...

    Man of God, how can I get living water in ILE-IFE. Thank you sir
  18. Shailo

    Jesus commund now to pour the living ...

    Jesus commund now to pour the living water in to my bank account... In the name of the Lord do something
  19. Articles

    The Giver

    Jesus replied [to the Samaritan woman at Jacob's well], "If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me, and I would give you living water." —John 4:10 NLT Key Thought Over the last several days, we've been looking at Jesus providing living water to...
  20. EnricoLange

    Lord Jesus please free from all bondage ...

    Lord Jesus please free from all bondage including all occult/spiritual bondage and addictions and anything else. You only know what has led to this and Father you alone can grant a new heart that can fully believe, trust and be filled with your Holy Spirit. I ask this for all of us and I also...
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