Prayers to sleep well now so fatigued ill and dizzy almost fell lord please heal me and sinuses colds cough and protect this weakness have to be very strong and abled the next few days when the right Godly help comes soon in Your timing Lord and no more lies manipulation and delays with everyone...
Satan/Lucifer is the deceiver, father of lies, and tempter.
He was thrown out of heaven, because of his heinous sin against God.
He (serpent) was cursed, as he deceived Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
While Yeshuva was on Earth, his legion begged before Yeshuva not to punish them, and was...
Satan/Lucifer is the deceiver, father of lies, and tempter.
He was thrown out of heaven, because of his heinous sin against God.
He (serpent) was cursed, as he deceived Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
While Yeshuva was on Earth, his legion begged before Yeshuva not to punish them, and was...
Hello, please pray fir Aiden and Roxann and Shawn to stop telling lies and stop trying to use my Dads passing away to hurt me also that Shawn would stop telling Roxann personal stuff about our children it’s none of her business
Greetings once again. Seems I have many troubles. The mother of my 5 year old daughter is spreading lies, personal information and my faults to her family and others. Please pray that this cause me no harm ortrouble for me and my daughters sakeand that she be recognized as the evil...
5 old daughter
country: philippines
evil malicious deceptive fraudulent person
kind compassionate responsible mature
many troubles
personal information
Hello, please pray fir healing and salvation abs deliverance fir my husband Shawn and fir Aiden to stop saying lies about him to his mom and the school
Hello, please pray for healing fir Roxann and Aiden and salvation abs deliverance for them also that they would stop their gossip and lies about Shawn and I , thank you
Please pray I receive major compensation from the club and get rid of creepy father and other seedy,dodgy relatives for good,that nobody believes his lies and he never comes near us again.