Dear God, please bless my job and help me exceed company goals; Help me get a license renewed from my previous state online; Please help me either find a nice place to live or recognize one of the ones I’ve found is the right one for me and Please touch my sister’s heart to communicate and...
I need help with my reactions. My husband is an alcoholic. Mentally sometimes physically abusive. I can’t leave or don’t want to. I want him to change like he promises. I wish he would stop drinking and work on our marriage. Why can’t he. Pray he does but until then pray I won’t react to his...
Pray for me to get my learners driving licence i m always and today i m going to write at 11 morning. I m Jordina Kamberipa staying in Swakopomund Namibia
On 07/09/2020 I wrote a prayer request to you to pray for me so that i upgrade my driver's license to Psv. I thank God Almighty and you for your prayers, God answered my prayer on 28/10/2020, i upgraded my license to Psv. Pls continue to pray for me as i plan to get a Belsam Certificate and add...
I pray for peace over my life I pray for a job this year I pray to make a driver's licence this year I pray for a university to accept me to study I pray for goodluck over my life I pray to be successful in life I pray to make the right decision in my life I pray to follow in a rugbycareer and...
Thank you Father for this place of prayer. Please pray for a middle aged fella (RA) in who has an alcohol addiction. He has no license, no tags, no insurance, and drinks and drives. Heavenly host of all things made please send care and discernment unto this fella that he may find your security...
Praise the lord I am Soumya working as nurse in Saudi.I want to upgrade my license from technican to specialist I passed my soudicouncil specialist exam was last September but my reclassification is rejected because I was studied my post BSN while am working in Saudi Now am going to resubmit my...
My husband Wasswa Godfrey wants us to separate and Am pregnant of our second born,we need money to get lisence for our business and papers because we are on over stay in dubai.I thank God to deliver me and forgive me🙏
Please pray for me, that my phone call to obtain an appointment to renew my texas identification card, will go through. Please pray that I will receive an appointment to obtain my texas driver's license by today. Please help me Lord, with this situation. Please help me. In Jesus name, I humbly...
Please pray for me that I will be able to make an appointment to renew my Texas identification card. Thank You, for praying for me. May God Bless You. My Lord, I pray for those who are struggling to renew their texas driver's license or identification card, that they too be granted an...
I need massive dental work I need to pass my March 12 test this is for my license. This family just came to my mind; I don't remember their names; but, God have mercy on them. Einar's son is totally out of control. He needs to go into treatment. God would give Einar wisdom to know what to do...
1) I pray God to send help to me to buy 4 dispensing pumps, generator ,renew my license,and provide capital for me to run my petroleum business. (2) I pray God to give me visdom so I can live with men at peace.(3) I pray God to continue to protect and guide me and my family worldwide.(4) I pray...
Please pray that I finish RN school and get my license soon. Please pray for inner hope towards something feasible. Please pray for which school I should go to. Please pray for success wherever I end up and all my dreams to come true in this life and in the next.
I would be able to study for my final exam for license. I have been studying for months; I am in the home stretch and really struggling; God help him to move forward and to do well. Salvation for family and friends. Thank you for praying.